Bossier Banner-Progress from Benton, Louisiana (2024)

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-9 With No Desire Whatever To Move On THE BOSSIER BANNER THURSDAY APRIL 13 1944 PAGE THREE 4 i Special Notice to All Delinquent Taxpayers 'v y- I Nine Must Report For Service in Navy The following selectees of Local Board No 1 Bossier Parish have been ordered to report to the Navy Recruiting Station 1414 Slattery Building Shreveport April 19th at nine am for says a copy of an order that has come to the Banner and all are listed as white meni Kermit Bernard Cumpston Doyle Conino Jimmie Dell Matlock John Clay Allums Jr Roy Myron Bader Alfred Slocum Antley Merlin Mitchel Tatum Charles Vernon Phemister Joe DeSadier I This advertisem*nt is to give legal notice to all who have not yet paid their 1943 Taxes on property located in Bossier-Parish that the same became delinquent January 1 1944 'As the law directs registered notices' of taxes now delinquent are being prepared for mailing Thee notices will be mailed out April 14th and after a yait of 20 days I will proceed Hq advertise all property on which 1943 toes are due to enforce the payment of same Please be governed accordingly and pay your 1943 delinquent taxes promptly PADGETT Tax Collector Bossier Parish Louisiana f- HSNfr" v- in a Iorth African port examine Nopth African farmers These furnished by the British and United expected to yield a harvest that will people of North Africa Mrs Smith remained over for a longer stay Mr Keith spent Sunday at Bellevue visiting Mr and Mrs Keith 1 Mr Frank Spencer of Minden was a business visitor in Benton Thursday of last week Mr and Mrs Hall III of Shreveport were guests Sunday of Dr and Mrs Hall Mr and' Mrs Curtis Youngblood spent Sunday in Spring Hill with Mr and Mrs McKitchen Rev A Carrington of Plain Dealing was a guest of Miss Gace Larkin Wednesday of last week! Mrs Zeigler and little daughter Dollie were visitors last Friday with Mrs A Zeigler Mrs Newt Arnold spent Thursday of last week in Shreveport with' her sister Mrs Peyton Mrs Newt Arnold spent the past weekend in Dixie with her sister Mrs Stinson and Mr Stinson 1 iS f'" Miss 'Barbara Grisham! of Shreveport spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Grisham i I Miss Kathlyn Daniel and Sgt George Sagline of Shreveport were guests of Mrs J' Welch Sunday Miss Lucille Zeigler of I Ruston spent Friday night with her grandmother Mrs A Zeigler i 1 Mrs Vernon Chance and son Vernon- of Shreveport visited Mr and Mrs Stroud Sunday afternoon 1 Mrs Stewart of Houston Texas is visitinff her daughter Mrs Scarborough and Mr Scarborough Mr and Mrs Merritt and family were guests Sunday of Mr Ol fcYflrniTI3tlQn and Mrs Tom Merritt of the Lin--3 ton community' Mr and Mrs A Dunnam of Vivian' were visitors at the home Of Mr and Mrs Belcher Sunday afternoon Mr- Monte Wyche of Baton Rouge spent last Saturday and Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrsi J'E Wyche Miss Flo Whittington of U1 Baton Rouge spent the past weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Whittington Mr and Mrs A Nettles and daughter of Shreveport spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs-W Scarborough Mr and Mrs DuBois Simmons and family spent Sunday in Cotton Valley with Mrs mother Mrs McClellan Mrs Grady Nelson and daughter Harriettjof Shreveport were visitors last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs Burchett April Meeting of Benton Four-H Club Reported From tn outiid source The Benton Four-H Club met Wednesday April 5th in the Benton High School Auditorium Marvin Jones called the meeting to order Miss Van talked to us about Achievement Day which will be held in Benton May 13th A committee to take care of the labeling of the rooms for the various contests will be named later Jack Grisham will give the welcome address The club voted to ask Mrs Moore to prepare lunch on that day Among the clubs of Bossier Parish entering the Name-a-Lib-erty-Ship contest Benton won Rev Littleton Write Rev Littleton until recently located in Plain Dealing but now residing in De Ridder has written to furnish us his address: 202 North Division Street He says in hi3 brief message I always read the Banner from cover to cover We have a great work here but we do miss our good friends in Bossier Jf 'Cf I A v'' V--3H French and British officials a sack of seed potatoes for potatoes a sample of those States governments are aid in feeding the liberated Men Now Ordered List Is Long One and Includes Names of You Know Quite Well According to an announcement that came to the Banner days ago from the office of Board Nt 1 of Bossier (Bossier City) the following white men are ordered 3 to for preinduction examination on the 15th next Saturday: 'i John Lee Hutchins Harold Enis Roy Giles William Teddy Smith Albert Enry Brown John Henry Beard Harold George Thibodeaux i James Lewy Patterson John Price McCall -James Alton Doerr Joseph Malcolm JLattier Wilbur Edgar Hunt Harry Graham Able Philip Prejean i Henry Alven Walker Jr Judson Waller Naremore Charley Dee Horton Eamie Colveston Gibson Willie Gladney Sheffield William Farris Baughman Frank Allen Winstead Everett Henry Neal Dennis Jefferson Moreland John Lodatto i Belton Glassell Barnett Fredrick Allyn Green Roy Gaston Hope! Kermit Conrad Glenn Abraham Lincoln Byrd Percy Olen DePrang Ira Harbuck Arthur Carl Johnson Julian Cleveland Green Vernon Alvin Peterson Sam Authur Mason Turner Stephens J6nes Christopher Columbus Farrar William Wallace Brown William Alfred Fry Richard Gilbert Humphrey Dale Joseph Slack Ebbie Lee Johnson Johnnie Louis co*ker Walter Clarence Horton Daniel Harvey Knowlek Richard Clay Thomas' i William Benjamin Browril 4 Plain Dealing East: Commissioners Mrs Maude Adger Mrs Julia Purcell and A Kelly Clerk A Carrington: Deputy Sheriff Nuckolls Alden Bridge: Commissioners Mrs Maggie Hoffpauir Mrs Ethel Bigby snd Miss Ruby Neblett: Clerk Mrs Susie Boggs Deputy Sheriff Perry Plain Dealing Southwest: Commissioners Mrs Beulah Keeth Mr Theo Johnston and Mrs Nell Waggoner Clerk' Mrs Katherine 'D Wingate Deputy Sheriff A Lea Plain Dealing Northwest: Commissioners Mrs Nanna Mae Oglesby Mrs Lela Arnold and Mrs May Fluitt Clerk Mrs Blanche Heifner Deputy Sheriff Bhasier Hamiter Bed Land i Commissioners Mrs Mamie Hudson Mrs Iva Roberson and Mrs Myra Lee Dodson Clerk Davis Deputy Sheriff Adams Mot: Commissioners Mrs Nettie Cason Mrs Myrtie Kilgore and Mrs Roberta Carpenter Clerk Rod-lers Deputy Sheriff Stroud -Shiloh: Commissioners Miss Lula Green Mrs Lillie Edens and Mrs Melba Coyle Clerk Mrs3 Maude Green: Deputy Sheriff John Lyons Rocky Mount: Commissioners Mrs Mattie Ruth Kirklin Mrs Sadie Young and Mrs Sallie Bounds: Clerk Mrs Icy Mears Deputy Sheriff Ford Linton: Commissioners Mrs Telma Hyde Misa Florence Lay and Miss Ruey Merritt Clerk Mrs Emily Bundy Deputy Sheriff Dalrymple Ivan: Commissioners Mrs Cardile Young Mrs Vera Vey Morrison and Lee co*ker) Clerk Mr Maude Parker Deputy Sheriff Joe Bounds Bellevne Oil Field: Commissioners Mrs Era Faircloth Mrs Nora Upton and Mrs Annie Mae Keith Clerk Mrs Lula Clark Deputy Sheriff Watson Haughton: Commissioners Mrs Ineg-Lee Mrs Aline Smith and A Worley Clerk Mrs Beadie Milner Deputy Sheriff Hays Koran: Commissioners Mrs Ruth Tooke Mrs Jewel Park arson and Mrs Thelma Tooke Clerk Mrs Abbie Fur-niss Deputy Sheriff A Tooke Adner: Commissioners Mrs Georgia Cryer Mrs Selma Johnson and Mrs Lena Brown Clerk McAlister Deputy Sheriff Nason Red Point: Commissioners Mrs Annie Clayton Mrs Maynard Johnson and Mrs Nora Mahaffey Clerk Mrs Mabl Stinson Deputy Sheriff Curry And we hereby require and direct that -the polls shall be open from six am until seven oclock pm on the day of said election and the commissioners immediately after closing the polls shall count the votes and make due returns to the undersigned according to law ALLEN Chairman SMITH MARY BRYCE Board of Election Supervisors in and (or Bossier Parish Louisiana STRAY SALE rjSTRAYED before Clement tice of Peace Ward Five Bossier Parish Louisiana by Ned Dalrymple year-old HEIFER red with small white spot over each eye and white under chin -and under belly and brisket no marks or brands Can be seen at the Merritt old place about nine miles east of Benton The owner is requested to come forward prove property pay costs and take possession of said animal or she will be sold according to law at eleven oclock am on Saturday April 29 1941 at the Merritt old place LAWSON Constable Ward Five Boesier Parish Louisiana 28 1944 apr 27-p CEE US when you are ready to place your next order for Job Printing Election Proclamation I Office of the Beard of Election Supervisors for 5 i Bossier Parish Louisiana State of Louisiana Parish of Boesier In accordance with the election laws of the State of Louisiana notice is hereby given and we proclaim that a general election Will be held April 18 1944 for the purpose of electing the following officers: Governor Lieutenant Governor Attorney General Secretary of State Auditor Superintendent of Public Education Register of State Land Office Treasurer Commissioner of Agriculture and Immigration a Senator for the 26th Senatorial District Representative Sheriff Clerk of Court Assessor Coroner and from Ward One one Justice of the Peace one Constable and two Police Jury Members Ward Two two Justices of the Peace two Constables and four Police Jury Members Ward Three two Justices of the Peace two Constables and two Police Jury Members Ward Four one Justice of the Peace one Constable and one Police Jury Member Ward Five one Justice of the Peace one Constable and one Police Jury Member and Ward Six two Justices of the Peace two Constables and one Police Jury Member Said election shall be held under the genera) election laws of the State of Louisiana under the supervision of the following named commissioners and clerks to-wit Atkiins I Commissioners Mrs Sue Brown Mrs Fannie Gatlin and Mrs Poole Clerk Mrs Ethel Hutchins Deputy Sheriff Smith Commissioners Mrs Hettie Wstson Mrs Estells Stafford and Mrs WUlis Mai Warren Clerk Mrs Katherine DeGueurce Deputy Sheriff Paul Garriger Taylortown: Commissioners Mrs Eva Moses Mrs Bedie Waldroup and Mrs Maude Johnson Clerk Mrs Alma Horton Deputy Sheriff Job Wilson Benton: Commissioners Miss Edith Zeigler Mrs Agnes co*ker and Mrs Mattie Lona Peace Clerk Miss Pauline Dawson Deputy Sheriff Lockey Bossier City City Hall: Commisssion-ers Mrs Mable Faulkner Mrs Vivian Polk and Mrs Ines Smith Clerk Mrs Eunice' Nelson Deputy -Sheriff -N Adair Vanceville: Commissioners Mrs Bernice Byrd Mrs Willie Maude Merritt and Mrs Clara Whittington Clerk Mr Sallie Bradford Deputy Sheriff Alison Bossier City Teague's Store: Commissioners Mrs Annie Lee Kelly Mrs Hattie Murray and Mrs Maude Bounds Clerk Mrs -Jennie Smith Deputy Sheriff A Teague Bossier City Commissioners Mrs Gertrude Cox Mrs Eva Nat-tin and Mrs Jessie Ky tar Clerk Mrs Belle Whisenhunt Deputy Sheriff Tom Hickman Bossier City Elementary School Commissioners Mrs Veits Spears Mrs Dorothy Gould and Mrs Isabelle Anderson Clerk Mrs Elizabeth Coffee Deputy Sheriff Owsley Bossier City -Southland Cotton Oil Company: Commissioners Mrs Virginia Gipson Mrs' Eva Brummett and Mrs Exa Culpepper Clerk Mrs Rinda Mae Elkins) Deputy Sheriff Pilkinton 3 Bossier City Airport Annex: Commissioners Mrs Alids Lambeth lrs Fannie- Mae Drew and Mrs Eula Mye Offutt Clerk John Chambers Deputy Sheriff Rickerson Bossier City Blue Bonnet Courts Commissioners Mrs Daisey Smithe Mrs Leona Green and Mrs Madeline Montgomery Clerk Lester Ray Eatman Deputy Sheriff Odom Bossier City Cloverdale Farm: Commissioners Mrs Fern Stroops Mrs Josie Davidson and Mrs Maude Hayes Mrs Janet Plummer Deputy Sheriff Adair Mr and Mrs Hughes were visitors to Haughton Sunday afternoon Mrs Keith spent Sunday in Minden with her parents Mr and Mrs Brunson Mis3 Madge Zeigler was a guest Monday night of her aunt Mrs Horton of Shreveport Little Patricia Coulter of Plain Dealing spent last Saturday with Tom Parker of Shreveport difiss Opal Goodman of Jonesboro was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs Wallace Miss Flo Whittington had as a guest last Friday and Saturday Miss Mary Bell McKenzie of Homer Mr and Mrs Belcher had as dinner guests Thursday of last week Mr and Mrs Alex Adger of Gilliam Friends of Mrs Merritt will regret to learn that she is ill at the Schumpert Sanitarium in Shreveport Mr W3 Steele spent the past in Houston Texas with her husband Seaman Firt Class Steele Mrs Azalee Nelson of Haughton was a dinner guest Sunday at the home of fr and Mrs A Montgomery Mr and Mrs Belcher spent Sunday afternoon in Pla)n Dealing visiting Mr and Johnnie Walker Mrs David Wallace of Dallas Texas recently visited her brother Mr Montgomery and Mrs Montgomery Miss JoJo Hall of the State Normal Natchitoches spent the Easter" holidays with her parents Dr and Mrs Hall Mr and Mrs Wallace attended an Eagter song service at the First Baptist Church of Bossier City Sunday evening Mrs Brown of Beaumont Texas spent several days of the past week with her sister Mrs Merritt and Mr Merritt Mrs Kidd and daughterT Mrs Edwin Hunter of" Plain Dealing were guests of Mr and Mrs Stroud Sunday afternoon Miss Daisy Brown of Baton Rouge spent the Easter holidays with Mr and Mrs Tom Tidwell of the Vanceville community Mrs Mary Hembree returned' Tuesday of last week from Houston Texas where she visited her daughter Mrs Foster and Mr Foster Mr and Mrs Harwell Lee and son- Bachman of Baton Rouge I were guests of Mr and Mrs 4 Burchett and son Eldridge the past weekend Mrs A Dunnam returned home Tuesday of last week from Little Rock Ark where she visited Mrs 'J Masrynian and Mrs Wayne Mrs Ivey and daughter Martha Jane attended the wedding and reception of Miss Elizabeth Wyche in Shreveport last Saturday at noon Mr Bobby Wallace of Dallas Texas visited Mr and Mrs Montgomery last Saturday and Sunday Mr Wallace Is a nephew of Mr Montgomery Mrs Berta Wyche and Mr and Mrs John Doles of Plaip Dealing and Mrs St Clair Duke of Dixie were dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs Wyche Mrs Brown of Beaumont Texas and her sister Mrs Merritt of Benton left Sunday for New Orleans where they will spend several days on business Mrs Ellen Dordan had as guests Sunday afternoo Mr and Mrs Eldridge Huckabyand son Walker of Alexandria and Miss Dorothy Peacei of Dixie Cross Roads Rev Mark Roberts of Shreveport preached Sunday morning at the local Baptist Church Rev and Mrs Roberts were dinner guests that day of Mr and Mrs L' Padgett Mr an? Mrs Padgett and Mesdames Stroud and Mae Greer attended Opera La at the Municipal Auditorium in Shreveport Monday night Mrs Floyd Lyon and son James and Mrs A Byrd and daughter Elizabeth of the Vanceville community left for Baton Rouge and New Orleans where they will visit relatives The Hanco*ck Chapter met Wednesday afternoon of last week with Mrs Donald Dickson of Shreveport Those attending from Benton were Mesdames Newt Arnold Mary Wyche Smith and Ivey and Mr and Mrs McKnight Mr and Mrs Smith visited their daughter Mrs Gray and Lieutenant Gray and baby son Warren aof Austin Texas last Saturday and Sunday Mr Smith returned home Monday but A MEMORY Four ducks on a pond grass-bank beyond A- blue sky of spring White clouds on the wing What a little thing To remember for To remember with tears 3 William Allingham vy -f MS 11- 'V' -arii- i ornciAL owl moto George Alexandria Oliver Milton Ford Allums Jack Walker Etheredge Henry Patterson James Harvey Gibson Larry Joseph Bordelon Houston Dewes Day Charles Ray Festervan Johnnie David Hammons Marvin Madison Matlock Fred Carter McConnell Ernest Oscar Beauvis Ivey Coleman Tinsley 3 Gervis Lawrence Pounders Raymond Jimes Grover Reece Hardcastle Jewell Dawson Holmes Truman William Godfrey Gortez Willie Swint 1 Murray Augustus Nuckolls' James Arthur Phillips I Walter Connell Samuel Varl Chamberlain Welch 3 John William Warner Lucious Johnnie Balch Winfred Theron Robinson Robert Samuel Joyner Charles Wesley Eaton -Charles Thomas Butcher Joseph Algello Lodatto Allen Dewitt Reed Edwin Joseph Alleman James Alver Chamlee Jr George Giovengo Fred Elmore Heifner Thomas Morris Beal David Crocket McLaughlin James William Culbertson Clarence Bethell Thomason i Eugene Burnett Harper Charles Albert Hunter Jr I Anthony John Scorsone 1 Otis -Wilson Woods Shellie Williams Johnny Raymond Manis Oliver Aaron Daugherty William Porter Vyninger Frank Bivins Goodman Joe William Inge Raymond Leroy Head Robert Hamiter John Robert Kellar William Benford Harper Ashford Cleveland Sheppard Everette Lee Mullins Alton Ray Huddleston Herbert Benjamin Harris Dale Newton Montgomery Malcolm Orel Barber' Arthur Joseph Smith -John Lott Hagan Floyd Bobby co*ker MelvirT' CJaude Gage Slie Dewey Farmer James Burke Plummer Jr Brooks Andrew Robert Smith Jr Marion Douglas Green James Allen Hagan Jr Ira Scott Young Henry Randol Smith Earl Elisha Calloway Arthur Lee Hymer Earle Eugene Livington Robert Clyde Nelson 1 From Other Boards Johnnie Rie Kirk Frank Edward Walker Henley Taylor Foreman Clarence Lee Freeney Kenneth Charles Matthews Alvin James Holland Willis Thurman Stone Delmar Hulon Thomas Travis William Rufus Shelby Walsh Jr John David Griggs Randolph Wall Jonathan Davenport Rudd Roy Herbert Bruce Hoye Mason Hagood Otis Emitt Gordon i William Nourse The period of price control has witnessed the greatest expansion of production that this nation or any other nation has known Business mortality has fallei! to the lowest on record For your next order of printing come to the Banner and be assured of both quality and service PULLEY-WHITE INSURANCE AGENCY General Insurance 1 ReprMwntimf Only Reliable Old-Line Stock Campania Offices 304 Barksdale BlvcL Boaster Otf Dial Pbwse 2-1 B7S Dixie Cross Roads Monday April 10th Mr and Mrs Brooks and family moved back home last Saturday after living in Shreveport about two or three' months Mr Brooks will leave for the Army Thursday of next week Mrs Lynn and Mrs Gibson wpre guests of Mr and Mrs G' Oliver and family Thursday of last week Mr Gibson visited with his parents Mr and Mrs Gibson a while last Saturday Miss Audrey Mae Brooks of Shreveport was a weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Sid Brooks and family Miss Jo Ann Lynn was a Saturday night guest of Miss Betty Jean Oliver -1 Mr Sid Brooks was a Friday night guest ef his sem Mr Howard Broks (Mrs Brooks and children) Mr and Mrs A Wilson and son Melvin Mr Harry Walker and sobs Harry jr and Edward Mr and Mrs Howard Brooks and children Howard jr and Len-oria Miss Audrey Mae Brooks and Mr and Mrs Sid Brooks and children and Misses Betty Ruby Mae and Lottie Jo Lynn enjoyed an Easter egg hunt down on the lake Sunday is Mr Gibson visited with Mr Harry Walker a while Monday evening Mr and Mrs John Oliver and family Mr and Mrs Davis Crouch and daughter Mri and Mrs Bryant Lynn and daughter and Mr! and Mrs Gibson were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Oliver and family During the afternoon they all enjoyed an Easter egg hunt Mrs Ruby Spoor and family and Mrs Lula Stevens and family were shopping in Benton last Saturday evening Residents of this community will regret very much the losing of Mr Howard Brooks who will be inducted into the Army April 13th We all hope you well in army life Howard Mr Doyle Lynn visited his brother Mr Bryant Lynn Mrs Lynn and daughter a few days last week Mr Howard Brooks was honored with a supper given at the home of Mr and Mrs Gibson Sunday night of last week Those present were: Mr and Mrs Howard Brooks and family Mr and Mrs Sid Brooks and family Mr and Mrs Oliver and family Mr and Mrs Lynn and daughter and the host and hostess Mr and Mrs Gibson Still serving during a fourth war still worthy of your support SUCCESSION SALE Succession of Robert Youngr Deceased No 1159 In Twenty-Sixth District Court Bossier Perish Louisiana Dt virtue of a commission to me issued by the Honorable Twenty-Sixth District Court of Bossier Parish Louisiana I will sell at public autetion at the principal front door of the Court House of Bossier Parish in La during the legal hours of sale on Saturday Hay 6 1944 the following described property The southwest quarter of northwest quarter and west half of southwest quarter of section thirty-three (SI) township twenty (20) north range twelve (12) west Bossier Parish Louisiana containing 120 acres more or less Terms of Sale For cash to the highest bidder subject to the benefit of p-praisem*nt and according to law PADGETT Sheriff add ex-officio Auctioneer for Bossier Parish Louisiana Hatch 0 1944 may 4j FIRST HEETING OF CREDITORS United States I District Court Western District of Louisiana In the matter of John Leeandrew Young bankrupt No 6648 In Bankruptcy JffOTICE is hereby given that John Leeandrew Young of Bossier City Bossier Parish Louisiana was adjudged bankrupt on April 4 1944 The first meeting of creditors will be held before Grimmet Referee Shreveport La on April 17 at the hour of ten am at which meeting creditors tnsy eleet a Trustee appoint a committee of creditors examine bankrupt prove their claims and transact such business as may come before the meeting GRIMMER Referee Shreveport La IHPORTANT File your Proof of Debt HI FORH aa required by the Bankrupt-eylaw Creditors wil consider question of the immediate sale of property free of liens at this meeting WHITTINGTON Insurance Agency INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS 1 Handled through Responsible I and Reliable Companies 9 Telephone 2-7S24 Benton Lonlsiann Men some Local Parish named report Walter Ray Thompson William Jordan Vines 1 Johnny Leonard! Majors 3 Lonnie David Willis Ray Elmer Tibbits Jr Troy Thomas McDaniel William Clayton Cornish Clint Carlton Scarborough Davis Gipson Crouch Edward Claboum Campbell Jr Harold Beacher Lynn -Harmon Virgil Livingston Andrew Styles Vi Piazza Angelo Jack Carroll Robetson 1 Lewis Hall Northcutt Henry Coplin Collins John Wade Oliver Lonnie Delbert MaxwelL Alfred Jowell Stanley Thomas Archie Atkins Ernest Garner Wardlow James Robert Dykes Harold Preston Biggs Richard Lee Lawrence Walter Me Waters1 Thomas Rollie Kay Jr Elvis Franklin Lipscomb Cleveland Ohio Brown Albert Paul Richardson Jr Frpd Marion Shewmake Lenord Leo Reeves Charles Benjamin inham Olan PowelL Moise Sflber Lee Gaulden Clifford Albert Scott Henry Ellis Blanton Horace Thomasson Thurman Reed Hester Ernest Eugene Leper I Ernest Jesse Byrd James Martin Stokes Arnold Forrest Vanstory MEjctoI (SircduG i i A prominent government official has recently suggested that banks should their lending policies We are always ready to lend money for sound purposes to borrowers with good character a record of meeting obligations promptly and ability to pay This briefly is our credit policy We believe that it is liberal and yet meets the acid test of soundness safety for our funds The loan applications of business men ami individuals are welcome at this bank news of mm I'fENwWONEN IN UNIFORM Frank Warren AS of Lafayette spent -the Easter holidays here with his parents Mr and Mrs Warren Emerson Jagers third class of Corpus Christi Texas spent several days of the oast week with his mother Mrs Jagers Sgt Robert Wallace of 207th Malafia Survey Unit has returned' to Camp Plauche after spending a nine-day furlough with his parents Mr and Mrs Wallace of Benton It was learned this week that James Champion 17-year-old Benton youth son of Mr and Mrs James Clifton Champion is now enrolled in the Navy V-12 Unit Mississippi College Clinton Miss 'ollowing are two paragraphs sent in by the Walker's Chapel correspondent: Herman Eller who is an in the armed service is at present on furlough tnd visiting his mother Mrs Bessie Eller Clines Matlock another soldier boy spent a three-day pass recently with his parentis Mr and Mrs Matlock BANK OF BENTON 39 Years of Safety and Service I DEPOSITS INSURED BY THE FEpERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION i Washington D- Cf $5000 Maximum Insurance for Each.

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Bossier Banner-Progress from Benton, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.