Not enough input arguments (2024)

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Jack am 11 Jul. 2024 um 10:30

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Kommentiert: Jack am 11 Jul. 2024 um 12:17

Akzeptierte Antwort: Stephen23

  • Steady_State_Parameter_Values.mat
  • FCPIB-293K-2.5mW-400nm-Jan072021 -ibg -bg -chirp.csv
  • FCPIB-293K-2.5mW-400nm-Jan072021 -ibg -bg -chirp.csv

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Hi all, I am a little perplexed by this warning from matlab: "Not enough input arguments" for my following code. I've looked for documentation to see the problem, but it none of them proved to be helpful to my problem. This warning occured at the line "P = z.p" line 47


%% Preparation

clc; clear

data = importdata("FCPIB-293K-2.5mW-400nm-Jan072021 -ibg -bg -chirp.csv"); % insert file path within parenthesis

load Steady_State_Parameter_Values.mat

z = load("Steady_State_Parameter_Values.mat");

%% Preamble

% Fundamental constants

h = 4.1356677*10^-15; % units: eV/ Hz

c = 3*10^8; % SI units

kB = 8.617333268*10^-5; % units: eV/ K

% Parameters from steady state fitting

A1 = p(1,1);

A2 = p(1,2);

Eg = p(1,3);

Eb = p(1,4);

R = p(1,5);

g = p(1,6);

% Data

Wavelength = data(:, 1);% units: nm

E = (h*c)./(Wavelength*10^-9);

delay_t = data(1, :);

carrier_T = [1198.8, 816.7, 446.8, 328.7];

col1 = 56;

col2 = 63;

col3 = 74;

col4 = 87;

% Data for fitting

Range_E = E >= 1.5 & E <= 2.0;

Range_W = Wavelength >= (h*c)/(2.0*10^-9) & Wavelength <= (h*c)/(1.5*10^-9);

E_p = E(Range_E); % selected probe energies

data_new2 = data(Range_W, [col1,col2,col3,col4]);

delta_Abs1 = data(Range_W,col1);

delta_Abs2 = data(Range_W,col2);

delta_Abs3 = data(Range_W,col3);

delta_Abs4 = data(Range_W,col4);

% Fitting function: Elliott's Model for Transient Absorption

function F = EM_TA_wR1(x, e_p, z)

P = z.p;

kB = 8.617333268*10^-5; % units: eV/ K

A1 = P(1,1);

A2 = P(1,2);

Eg = P(1,3);

Eb = P(1,4);

R = P(1,5);

g = P(1,6);

carrier_T = [1198.8, 816.7, 446.8, 328.7];

E_p = e_p(i);

F(i) = x(5)*A1.*((2.*pi.*sqrt(x(2)))./E_p).*1/g.*(integral(@(E)sech(((E_p - E)./g)).*(1 + 10.*R.*(E - x(1)) + ...

126.*(R).^2.*(E - x(1)).^2)./(1 - exp(-2.*pi.*sqrt(x(2)./(E - x(1))))), x(1), Inf, 'ArrayValued', 1)).*(1 - 1./(1 + exp((E_p - x(4))./(kB.*carrier_T(1,1))))).^2 - ...


(integral(@(e)sech(((E_p - e)./g)).*(1 + 10.*R.*(e - Eg) + ...

126.*(R).^2.*(e - Eg).^2)./(1 - exp(-2.*pi.*sqrt(Eb./(e - Eg)))), Eg, Inf, 'ArrayValued', 1)) + ...


(1/1^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./1^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/2^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./2^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/3^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./3^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/4^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./4^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/5^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./5^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/6^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./6^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/7^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./7^2)./x(3))) - ...


(1./1.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./1.^2)./g) + ...

(1./2.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./2.^2)./g) + ...

(1./3.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./3.^2)./g) + ...

(1./4.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./4.^2)./g) + ...

(1./5.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./5.^2)./g) + ...

(1./6.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./6.^2)./g) + ...

(1./7.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./7.^2)./g));


F = F(:);


% Solver

lb = [Eg, Eb, g, 0.3, 0.5, 0.2]; ub = [55, 0.05, 0.05, 20, 2, 1];

x0 = [1.65, 0.03, 0.03, 1.3, 1, 0.3];

optim_lsq = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit', 'Algorithm', 'levenberg-marquardt', 'MaxFunctionEvaluations',10^5, 'MaxIterations', 10^5, 'FunctionTolerance',10^-10, 'StepTolerance', 10^-10);

delta_Abs(:, 1) = data_new2(:, 1);

carrierT = carrier_T(1, 1);

x(1, :) = lsqcurvefit(@(x, e_p) EM_TA_wR1, x0, E_p, delta_Abs(:, 1), lb, ub, optim_lsq);

Not enough input arguments.

Error in solution>EM_TA_wR1 (line 47)
P = z.p;

Error in solution>@(x,e_p)EM_TA_wR1 (line 89)
x(1, :) = lsqcurvefit(@(x, e_p) EM_TA_wR1, x0, E_p, delta_Abs(:, 1), lb, ub, optim_lsq);

Error in lsqcurvefit (line 272)
initVals.F = feval(funfcn_x_xdata{3},xCurrent,XDATA,varargin{:});

Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. LSQCURVEFIT cannot continue.

plot(E_p, delta_Abs(:, 1), 'o')

hold on

plot(E_p, EM_TA_wR1(x(1, :), E_p, Z), 'LineWidth', 4.0)

hold off

for n = 2:4

delta_Abs(:, n) = data_new2(:,n);

carrierT = carrier_T(1, n);

[x(n, :), residualnorm, residual, exitflag, output, lambda, jacobian] = lsqcurvefit(@(x, E_p) EM_TA_wR(x, E_p, Z), x(n-1, :), E_p, delta_Abs(:, n), lb, ub, optim_lsq);

plot(E_p, delta_Abs(:, n), 'o')

hold on

plot(E_p, EM_TA_wRn(x(n, :), E_p, Z), 'LineWidth', 4.0)

xlabel('Probe Photon Energy (eV)')

ylabel('\Delta A (O.D.)')

legend('0.5 ps', '1.0 ps', '2.0 ps', '4.0 ps', 'Location', 'southeast')


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Stephen23 am 11 Jul. 2024 um 11:31

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In MATLAB Online öffnen

"I am a little perplexed by this warning from matlab: "Not enough input arguments" for my following code"

Lets take a look at how you call the function here:

x(1, :) = lsqcurvefit(@(x, e_p) EM_TA_wR1, x0, E_p, delta_Abs(:, 1), lb, ub, optim_lsq);

% ^ zero inputs here

Although you wrote the function EM_TA_wR1 to require three inputs, when you defined that anonymous function you call it with zero inputs. That clearly will not work, you need to call it with all of its required inputs, probably something like this:

@(x, e_p) EM_TA_wR1(x,e_p,z)

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Stephen23 am 11 Jul. 2024 um 11:50

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Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 11 Jul. 2024 um 11:54

In MATLAB Online öffnen

  • FCPIB-293K-2.5mW-400nm-Jan072021 -ibg -bg -chirp.csv
  • Steady_State_Parameter_Values.mat

Lets try it with your uploaded data.

Note that I also:

  • replaced the very unfortunate IMPORTDATA with the much more reliable, recommended READMATRIX
  • removed duplicate LOAD calls
  • marked unused variables

Now the anonymous function is correctly defined it does not throw an error when it is called. However you have problems due to the fact that your initial conditions lead to lots of NaNs in the objective function output. You will have to debug those.

data = readmatrix("FCPIB-293K-2.5mW-400nm-Jan072021 -ibg -bg -chirp.csv");

z = load("Steady_State_Parameter_Values.mat");

%% Preamble

% Fundamental constants

h = 4.1356677*10^-15; % units: eV/ Hz

c = 3*10^8; % SI units

kB = 8.617333268*10^-5; % units: eV/ K !!!! this is unused !!!!

% Parameters from steady state fitting

A1 = z.p(1,1); % !!!! this is unused !!!!

A2 = z.p(1,2); % !!!! this is unused !!!!

Eg = z.p(1,3);

Eb = z.p(1,4);

R = z.p(1,5); % !!!! this is unused !!!!

g = z.p(1,6); % !!!! this is unused !!!!

% Data

Wavelength = data(:, 1);% units: nm

E = (h*c)./(Wavelength*10^-9);

delay_t = data(1, :); % !!!! this is unused !!!!

carrier_T = [1198.8, 816.7, 446.8, 328.7];

col1 = 56;

col2 = 63;

col3 = 74;

col4 = 87;

% Data for fitting

Range_E = E >= 1.5 & E <= 2.0;

Range_W = Wavelength >= (h*c)/(2.0*10^-9) & Wavelength <= (h*c)/(1.5*10^-9);

E_p = E(Range_E); % selected probe energies

data_new2 = data(Range_W, [col1,col2,col3,col4]);

delta_Abs1 = data(Range_W,col1); % !!!! this is unused !!!!

delta_Abs2 = data(Range_W,col2); % !!!! this is unused !!!!

delta_Abs3 = data(Range_W,col3); % !!!! this is unused !!!!

delta_Abs4 = data(Range_W,col4); % !!!! this is unused !!!!

% Solver

lb = [Eg, Eb, g, 0.3, 0.5, 0.2];

ub = [55, 0.05, 0.05, 20, 2, 1];

x0 = [1.65, 0.03, 0.03, 1.3, 1, 0.3];

optim_lsq = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit', 'Algorithm', 'levenberg-marquardt', 'MaxFunctionEvaluations',10^5, 'MaxIterations', 10^5, 'FunctionTolerance',10^-10, 'StepTolerance', 10^-10);

delta_Abs(:, 1) = data_new2(:, 1);

carrierT = carrier_T(1, 1);

fnh = @(x, e_p) EM_TA_wR1(x, e_p, z);

% calling the function now works without error...

fnh(x0, E_p) % but do you expect MATLAB to curve-fit NaNs ????

ans = 345x1


<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>

<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>

% You need to debug why your calculation produces NaNs:

out = lsqcurvefit(fnh, x0, E_p, delta_Abs(:, 1), lb, ub, optim_lsq);

Error using lsqncommon (line 35)
Objective function is returning Inf or NaN values at initial point. lsqcurvefit cannot continue.

Error in lsqcurvefit (line 322)

% Fitting function: Elliott's Model for Transient Absorption

function F = EM_TA_wR1(x, e_p, z)

P = z.p;

kB = 8.617333268*10^-5; % units: eV/ K

A1 = P(1,1);

A2 = P(1,2);

Eg = P(1,3);

Eb = P(1,4);

R = P(1,5);

g = P(1,6);

carrier_T = [1198.8, 816.7, 446.8, 328.7];

F = nan(size(e_p));

for i = numel(e_p)

E_p = e_p(i);

F(i) = x(5)*A1.*((2.*pi.*sqrt(x(2)))./E_p).*1/g.*(integral(@(E)sech(((E_p - E)./g)).*(1 + 10.*R.*(E - x(1)) + ...

126.*(R).^2.*(E - x(1)).^2)./(1 - exp(-2.*pi.*sqrt(x(2)./(E - x(1))))), x(1), Inf, 'ArrayValued', 1)).*(1 - 1./(1 + exp((E_p - x(4))./(kB.*carrier_T(1,1))))).^2 - ...


(integral(@(e)sech(((E_p - e)./g)).*(1 + 10.*R.*(e - Eg) + ...

126.*(R).^2.*(e - Eg).^2)./(1 - exp(-2.*pi.*sqrt(Eb./(e - Eg)))), Eg, Inf, 'ArrayValued', 1)) + ...


(1/1^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./1^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/2^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./2^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/3^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./3^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/4^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./4^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/5^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./5^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/6^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./6^2)./x(3)) + ...

(1/7^3).*sech((E_p - x(1) + x(2)./7^2)./x(3))) - ...


(1./1.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./1.^2)./g) + ...

(1./2.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./2.^2)./g) + ...

(1./3.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./3.^2)./g) + ...

(1./4.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./4.^2)./g) + ...

(1./5.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./5.^2)./g) + ...

(1./6.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./6.^2)./g) + ...

(1./7.^3).*sech((E_p - Eg + Eb./7.^2)./g));


F = F(:);


Jack am 11 Jul. 2024 um 12:17

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Hi Stephen, I've made the amendments that you've suggested and now my code could run. Thanks so much!

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Not enough input arguments (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.