EverSweet Imagines @eversweet-imagines - Tumblr Blog | Tumgag (2024)


Hi everyone! I'm here to share some stories that I find myself writing in the forms of either oneshots, imagines, or full blown fanfics! I would also love to write any of your requests that you might have!




Apr 27, 2018


There’s a fic on fanfiction(.)net that I’ve kept tabs on for years to see if it’s been updated or not. While I’m no longer even in the fandom it’s written for, it just has one of the greatest storylines I’ve ever read. Last time it was updated was 2011.

The other day, I decided to reread the entire thing and leave a very in-depth review of what I thought of each chapter. I also mentioned how I started reading it when I was 13 and am now 21, but always came back to see if it was ever finished because I loved it so dearly.

Today, said author sent me a private message saying that her analytics showed that the story was still getting views even after all these years, but no one ever bothered to leave reviews other than “update soon!!!”, so she never felt motivated enough to finish it. She said that me reviewing every single chapter with lengthy paragraphs made her cry and meant the world to her. She also mentioned that she felt encouraged to write the two remaining chapters needed to complete the story and that she would send me a message the night before she updates the fic.

I’m literally sobbing. I’m so excited :’)

Please always remember to leave a review when reading fanfiction!!! It means a lot to a writer.

Seriously, this is what keeps us going; YOUR COMMENTS.


And you think my ranting about it is just being salty! It’s not! Reviews can mean the difference between feeling motivated and feeling out of place.


It’s how I finished a fic after it sitting unfinished for half a year. Got a long ass review that gave me ideas and then I wrote the last chapter.



Apr 14, 2018


Dialogue Prompts...

I’m a little bored so leave a # and fandom/pairing in my inbox and I’ll write.

1.“I’ll drive, you shoot.”

2.“Point this end towards the bad guy.”

3.“Are you watching pro bowling?”“It’s comforting.”

4.“It’s been three days and you haven’t moved once.”

5.“Why aren’t you afraid of me?”

6.“If you open your mouth one more time I will f*cking kill you.”

7.“Your WiFi password is‘depression’?”

8.“I’ll give you twenty bucks if-”“Yes.”

9.“You can’t wear sweatpants on a first date.”

10.“Who the f*ck put Pitbull as the background for all of the computers in the computer lab?”

11.“This is why you’re single.”

12.“Are you writing Gucci on all of your folders?”“I want to feel special.”

13.“Do you still have to pay student loans in hell?”

14.“I just want to go eat and then die.”

15.“Can you please stop using my calculator to solve 2+2?”

16.“Quit being a basic bitch and go get me a soda.”

17.“How do you flirt with people?”“You’re asking the wrong person.”

18.“I want to fight your cat.”

19.“Owen Wilson is my spirit animal.”

20.“Doors are for people with no imagination.”

21.“I would rather have Stevie Wonder behind the wheel than you.”

22.“Can you get me a virgin mimosa?”“You mean orange juice?”

23.“Did you just take four ibuprofen?”“I’m living life on the edge.”

24.“How did you manage to kill a fake plant?”

25.“Will I still be violating a restraining order if the other person is asleep?”

26.“You shoot guns for a living, yet you’re scared of spiders?”“No one f*cks with spiders.”


Please don’t get too mad if it takes a little bit, I usually get carried away when it comes to writing.


Mar 7, 2018

Muggles are not able to REBLOG this.

REBLOG this to prove you are not a Muggle.

my reblog button f*cked up and i almost had a heart attack

I did it in the first try.





But the lack of notes truly worries me




Hell f*ckin yeah I’m a witch!!


Feb 26, 2018

A Spider and A Spark - Part 6

Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five

“Finn what time is it?” Y/N evaded a shot from Tony as the two were busy with combat training. They had been training since the moment she got done with school and Tony hadn’t let up on her, not letting her rest for a second. He was going 110% on her right now, firing guns and punches he felt that her combat was lacking and Y/N insisted on proving him wrong. When the two trained together all hell broke loose, each trying to upstage the other.“It is 7:32 pm. You were meant to meet with Peter 32 minutes ago.” Y/N stopped at Finn’s voice realizing she had completely forgotten about Peter’s movie night. As she paused for only a split second Tony had sent a powerful blow, expecting Y/N to avoid it, only to land it square on her right eye, sending her falling backwards with the momentum.

“sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t.” Tony’s suit opened and he ran over to where Y/N was laying on her back grumbling as she nursed her face with her hands.“You were supposed to move dumbass!” He jokingly yelled at her, earning a heavy glare from the girl.

“You just punched me, fracturing my cheekbone and you have the audacity to call me the dumbass?” Y/N grabbed Tony’s hand which was extended out for her, pulling her back to her feet.“I gotta go T, I’m late for a movie night with dome friends from school.”

“What friends?” Tony grabbed Y/N’s wrist before she could run off.“It’s not Peter is it?” Her heart beat picked up on the monitor inside of her mask, making her thankful that only she could see it.

“No, not Peter. It’s just a few girls from my geometry class.” Tony nodded, releasing his grip on her.“I’m not sure how late ill be!” She quickly ran from the training room, making her way out of the tower and taking the fastest root that Finn could provide for her to land her at Peters apartment. She had nearly forgotten that all she was wearing was her suit when she found herself outside of his apartment building. With an annoyed sigh she made her way around the backside and scaled the fire escape, sliding open Peters bedroom window and attempting to climb in quietly only to trip and slam into the floor with a loud crash.

Peter had been sat in the living room anxiously staring at his phone waiting for Y/N to say if she was coming. He was beginning to lose hope, thinking maybe she had stood him up. Ned and MJ were in a heated discussion about which Star wars is the best one when Peter heard a crash in his room. His gaze shoot over to his two friends who were unfazed by the noise and he pushed himself off of the couch, quietly excusing himself from the room. HE walked quickly to his bedroom door, opening it as he flipped his hair from his face. His eyes widened as he saw Y/N or rather Inferno since she was fully in her suit laying on his floor grumbling, her feet tangled in the string to the blinds in his window. He quickly ran over to her, twisting the cord from her feet to release her. She rolled over and sat up to face him, a smile growing on her lips and a blush coming to her cheeks as she looked at him. He was dressed casually but Y/N loved it on him.

“Hi.” Peter smiled as he moved closer to her, kneeling infront of where she was sat on his floor.

“Hi.” Y/N replied simply, the two staring at each other for a moment.

“That was quite the entrance.” Peter glanced over to his window with a smirk before looking back at the girls masked face.“you know you could have used the front door.”

“You know I thought about it but I wasn’t really dressed the part of casual front door user.” Y/N chuckled as she gestured to herself, Peter laughed along the sound sending butterflies through her stomach. His gaze landed back on her mask, the room felt warm as their breathing was the only sound that filled the air again. He lifted his hands, resting them at the edge of her mask pausing as if to ask permission. Y/N nodded lightly as his fingertips lightly pulled at the edge, his light touch and slow movement sending chills down her spine. He pulled the mask up slowly, his breath catching when it was all the way off and her hair cascaded down in a mess of waves, part cover her fresh black eye. He lifted his hand slowly and gently glided his thumb over the freshly bruised skin.

“We need to stop meeting like this.” Y/N broke the silence, her hand reaching up to grab Peters and pull it away from the bruise.

“You need to stop getting hurt.” His eyes dint leave her face while she stared at his hand which she held in her own.

“Not to play the blame game but it kinda was your fault. If I hadn’t remembered that you invited me her at 7 I wouldn’t have lost focus during training and Tony wouldn’t have connected his iron fist to my face.” Peters jaw clenched at Y/N’s words.“Sorry for brining him up.. I know its still a touchy subject.”

“No,no its okay really. I can’t have you be a part of my life with knowing that Tony will be in the background of it too, I mean he is pretty much your dad.” Peter stood and walked over to his closet, grabbing one of his Midtown Tech sweatshirts. He tossed it over to Y/N and she smiled gratefully.“You put that on and I’ll go grab some ice for that bad boy on your face.” Y/N nodded as Peter shut the door lightly behind himself. She stripped the top of her suit off and slid the worn out baggy sweatshirt over her head where it hung delicately over her frame. She took a deep breath, being overwhelmed with Peters smell. It made her feel safe and she couldn’t help but smile. She let her eyes begin to wander more around his room, looking over the few picture frames he had on his dresser. Her fingers lightly grazing over the lego death star that he and Ned had just completed. His room seemed so normal, a typical teenage boys safe place. Y/N was slightly jealous that Peter had this place, that even though he was Spiderman he hadn’t seen nearly the amount of things that Y/N had that prohibited her from feeling any sort of normal in her her chaotic life. Peter had creaked the door open and watched as Y/N slowly moved around his room looking over his belongings. A smile fell over his features, this was the first time he actually saw Y/N as the regular person she was. I mean sure she was far from regular by any means but he couldn’t stop the tightness in his chest he felt while he looked at her.

He knocked lightly on the door, Y/N’s attention turning away from the picture she was holding of Peter and Ned from freshman year. Peter held up the ice pack he had in his hand.“I know you heal quickly but I find this lucky ice pack to help kinda speed things along.” Y/N chuckled lightly as she sat down on the bottom bunk of his bunk bed. He kneeled on th ground in front of her as theirs eyes locked and he gently pressed the icepack to her purple skin. She winced lightly at the sudden cool against her warm cheeks.

“Thanks Pete.” Y/N smiled, as she lifted hand to grab the icepack herself. Her fingers lightly grazed over Peters and the knots in his stomach flipped as he blinked a few times, his heart still racing. The electricity in the room was insane making it difficult for either of the two to truly catch their breath. Something about being so close to Peter in this moment was making Y/N forget how to function. She wasn’t sure the exact moment where her feelings for Peter switched into something so much more but what she did know was that the pull she was feeling towards him was stronger than anything she had ever experienced.

#peter parker#peter parker imagine#spiderman imagine#spiderman homecoming imagine#tom holland imagine



Jan 24, 2018


Reblog if you're a fanfic writer and you wanna know what your followers' favorite story of yours is ❤



Nov 27, 2017

me: im gonna finish this fanfic tonight

me: *writes one line every hour*

me: really makin progress here

#too real dude.


Nov 27, 2017

Paper Heart- a Jughead imagine

So I found this list of prompts and I LOVED them all! I figured this one specifically fit Juggy pretty well so I kinda just went with it! Hope you like it! if y'all want me to do any more of those prompts end me which on and what character/person!

Prompt: I gave you the most heartfelt love letter and you gave it back to me with spelling and punctuation corrections?!

Y/N sat at the desk in her room, her head in her hands as she pulled at the roots of her hair. In front of her sat a blank page and a pencil which had been picked up, twirled and just a few minutes ago thrown across the room, which of course Y/N had to go retrieve with huff. On the floor there were small piles of crumpled up paper thrown about each with different variations of the same story written. And on her bed sat her two best friends Betty and Veronica who were preoccupied, B studying for a final she had in a week and V painting her nails while she flipped through the latest fashion magazine.

“Y/N darling. You are being too hard on yourself. You and Jug have been end game since day one. I’m sure he already knows how much you love him.” Veronica turned to face her as she let out a groan and lightly slammed her head on the table. Y/N only let out a groan in response causing Veronica to look over at Betty for some added assistance.

“Yeah Y/N! You are one of the best writers out there, even better than Jug. Sure he might argue that but he knows its true. No matter what you write it will be amazing! Just go from what your heart wants you to write.” Betty moved to stand beside where Y/N was hunched in her chair, rubbing her back lightly to coax the girl to look up. Y/N lifted her head and looked back at her two best friends, the both smiled softly at her.“Let do this. Bounce some of your ideas off of us and we can give you some feed back.” She grinned as she sat on the bed next to Veronica and waited as Y/N grabbed her note book, grabbing her pencil tightly in her hand.

“Okay, uh... Jughead Jones, I, Y/N Y/L/N, am deeply in love with you.” The girls looked between each other shaking their heads no. Y/N nodded, crossing it out on her paper.

“I mean it was straight to the point, which is nice but you and jug can never just get straight to the point with anything so it doesn't fit. But good first try!” Veronica said, pushing Y/N to continue.

“Too formal. Got it.” Y/N tapped her pencil against her chin, thinking hard.“Juggy, you my boo.” All three of them audibly cringed as the words finished leaving Y/N’s mouth, leading all of them to laugh.“Too informal. Got it.”

“Maybe we are trying to hard to cover the main point...” All eyes were on Betty as she stood up and paced back and forth for a moment.“Well when you are writing on a story for the blue and gold, you always have the main point you are trying to get to on the board. Right?” Y/N scrunched her brow as she nodded, eager to hear where Betty was going with this.“Well. Just because thats the main point on the board doesn't mean you write the main point down and expect the story to write itself. You have to expand on it, find all the small things that create the big idea and BOOM you have the perfect front page story.” Veronica stared at her in confusion while the gears in Y/N’s mind began turning. She grinned as she jumped up from her chair and hugged Betty tightly. Betty chuckled in surprise before hugging Y/N back.

After she let go, Y/N leaped back into her chair, writing away like a storm. The two girls on the bed stayed silent as the watched their love struck friend write faster than they had ever seen, each with a small smile lingering on their faces. Y/N poured her heart on the page, writing everything about Jughead that she loved, his small quirks that to others went unnoticed but to Y/N were the best things she could have the honor of witnessing. How she loved his loyalty to his family and friends, and that she loved how even though making the decision of joining the Serpents or not he still told Y/N about everything and trusted her enough to stick by his side no matter what. Y/N loved that she could trust Jug through thick and thin. She always knew he had her back and supported her through everything. It seemed like an hour had passed of Y/N writing nonstop when she fail dropped the pencil. Sitting back in her chair with a giant grin and a content sigh she turned to look at her two friends who were anxiously waiting. She handed them the letter, the two redingote and tearing up.

“Y/N. this is perfect.”

The next morning, Veronica and Y/N took the letter ad left it on Jugheads front step before they went to their morning rehearsal for thriver vixons before school. Y/N was nervous the whole time, only thinking about what Jugheads reaction would be. Veronica noticed this and during a break in rehearsal ran over to give her friend a giant hug.

“Girl relax! It you and Juggy, you guys are like salt and pepper. Meant to be together you know? I mean seriously, what’s the worst that could happen?” Y/N smiled as she squeezed her best friends hand, a wave of relief settling over her. The rest of the practice went off with out a hitch and assign as it finally ended Y/N had a new sense of confidence. V was right, Y/N and Jug were meant to be and writing a love letter was just a fun way for her to remind Jug about how she felt. Betty, Veronica and Y/N linked arms as they made their way to their lockers before they were meant to go meet Jughead and Archie in the common room. Y/N had a giant grin as she looked forward to seeing Jug in just a few minutes. She twisted the lock on her locker asshe entered in her combination, opening the door and feeling butterflies as she looked the picture of her and Jug hung on the inside of the door. She gaze moved from the picture over to her pile of books where a failure piece of paper laid. Her smile instantly fell as her hand quickly grabbed the paper and unfolded it, revealing her love letter littered with red markings all across the words and sentences as if it was a first draft of a class essay.

“You have to be f*cking kidding me.” Y/N huffed as she slammed her locker shut. Veronica and Betty looked at each other in confusion before walking over to Y/N and looking at what she was holding. Y/N began storming down the hall, B and V following closely behind her. They made it to the common room, Jughead and Archie sat on the couch laughing at a stupid joke that Archie had just made.“Seriously Jughead Jones?” Y/N shouted, everyone in the room turning their attention towards the girl. The two boys faces dropped as they watch the trio of girls move to stand in front of them. Veronica instantly went to sit on Archies lap and Betty fell back to stand near Cheryl and Kevin.

“Y/N, lower your voice..” Jug stood up, glaring at all the people staring, hating that they were becoming the center of attention. Y/N’s chaw dropped as she let out a small gasp.

“You’re kidding right?! You are unbelievable Jughead!!” She shouted again, rolling her eyes as she turned away from him the paper in her hand crinkling as her fingers curled into a tight fist. Jughead watched as she stormed out of the room and into the hallway. It was only a second before he rolled his eyes at the chorus of ooo’s and ran after her.

“Y/N! Wait!” HE jogged to catch up to her and grabbed her wrist lightly, turning her on her heel and causing her to stop.“Whats wrong?” Betty, Veronica, and Archie followed after their two friends keeping a safe distance.

“Whats wrong? hmm. Let me see.” Y/N put her hand up to her chin, scratching as though she were deep in thought.“Maybe its the fact that I gave you the most heartfelt love letter and you gave it back to me with spelling and punctuation corrections?!” She was shouting again as she shoved the paper into his chest, pushing him back lightly. His hand went up immediately and grabbed the paper so it wouldn't fall to the ground as she moved her hand away and crossed them over her chest as she glared it him awaiting his response. Jughead smirked, his thumb wiping the bottom of his nose as he tried to hid the smile growing on his lips.“So this is all a joke to you? God Jughead, I thought you were different from all of the other guys. I guess you aren't.” She began to turn away from him, leaving him to roll his eyes at her action before quickly reaching out and grabbing her hand in his.

“Y/N, stop.” She did as told, stopping in her tracks and reluctantly turning to face him again as he slid his fingers in-between her own.“I am different from the others. What other numbskull out there would give back a delicately written love letter with spelling and punctuation corrections, huh?” He paused, lifting his eyebrow giving her time to respond.

“Only you would....dumbass.” She spoke quietly, looking up at him with a smirk as she muttered the last word. Her anger was melting away by the second as the warmth of his hand took over her.

“Exactly.” He smiled, taking a step closer to her.“And what other dumbass would would actually use those spelling and punctuation corrections as a way to tell you that he was madly involve with you too?” Y/N’s face scrunched in confusion. Jughead unscrambled the paper, his fingers gliding lightly over the red markings as he stood even closer to her their arms touching as he watched her look closer at the corrections. He agreed with ever words Y/N had written, knowing the burning feeling in his chest that he always had felt when she was around. Y/N finished reading them over, seeing the secret message. She turned her face up to look at Jughead, a giant grin etched on both of their faces.

“I love you jug.” Y/N whispered, suddenly not being able to find her voice when his eyes locked with hers. He lifted his hands up, dropping the letter as he cupped her face, drawing his lips down to meet hers in a passionate kiss. The three friends down the hall who were watching cheered loudly at their kiss. Y/N and jughead both lifted a hand, flipping their friends off as they continued to kiss, the group laughing at the classic response. Jug finally pulled away, his forehead resting on hers.

“And I love you, Y/N.” He smiled again, leaning down to kiss Y/N once more.

#jughead imagine#jughead jones imagine#riverdale imagine#riverdale one shot#jughead oneshot



Nov 25, 2017


Fanfic writer reactions

I’ve done one of these before, but felt like doing another today. :) Thanks to everyone who made the gifs.

When you post a fic and wait for a response

When your mutuals and buddies give it love

When it didn’t get the response you expected

When it gets more love than you expected

When another writer you fangirl over likes or comments on your fic

When a brand new person you have never interacted with likes or comments on your fic

When you get a negative comment

When someone tells you your story emotionally compromised them

When your friends post their own new fic updates

When someone leaves a negative comment on a work written by one of your friends

When you finish reading one of your friends’ updates

When someone leaves a long and detailed comment on one of your fics

When someone includes your fic on a rec list


Nov 20, 2017

Spider and a Spark - Part 5

This one is a bit short! Sorry!!

Y/N stayed silent the entire ride to Peter’s apartment, leaning as far away from him as she could and staring out the window, trying her hardest to keep her crying to herself. She didn't anticipate things to go so south so quickly. They dropped him off in front of his apartment, he opened the door and left without a word, standing in front of the apartment while the car drove off. Y/N turned in the seat to watch him as they drove off, a small inkling of hope that maybe he too would look back at her. But of course she was hopeless when they turned down a different speed, Peter slipping from her view. She turned back in her seat with a huff, Tony looking back at her through the mirror.

“You know you did the right thing in calling me.” He said, his voice talking on a calm fatherly tone. Y/N rolled her eyes, laughing sarcastically.

“The right thing? You think completely destroying his whole world was the right thing? I’m the reason he is going to be f*cked up. Just like you're the reason I’m f*cked up. I believed in him, from the start. I supported him because you and Happy were too preoccupied with other bullsh*t that you didn't even see the bigger picture, Just like when you first found me. Yet you go ahead and tell him that you were the only one who believed in him. Where were you huh? Of partying like a bachelor in another country? I have been there since day one. And you decide to through me under the bus because when you first talked about recruiting him I was hesitant. I was only hesitant because of how f*cked up all of this is for someone that young. I was 12 Tony. And you didn't even hesitate to put me through all of this.” The car had been pulled over to a stop in front of the tower already, Y/N was fuming and couldn't hold it in any longer as she continued to yell at a shell shocked Tony who sat frozen in the front seat. Her hands were engulfed in flames as she waved them around with her words.

“You thought the FBI would be enough to stop what was happening? Did you not see what just on of those f*cking guns did to an entire ferry? And yet you still think its all Peters fault because he was doing his best to try and stop those things from being out on the streets. You still have the guts to tell him you wish he was better. Tony I wish you were better. See how bitter those words taste when they are said to you by someone you care about? Certainly you wouldn't know how much worse it is when its someone who you look up to, your only father figure even. To be doing your best and still not even be good enough.” At this point tears were streaming down her cheeks, her flames dosed as she grabs her bag and exits the car, slamming the door hard enough to shatter the glass. Tony lets out a sigh as she makes her way inside of the building, bringing his hands up to his temples to hold his head. He knew she was right. Every word she said, though a bit dramatic for his taste and with far too many curse words for someone he looks at as his daughter to be using towards him, was true.

Tony knew that for Peter he had his Aunt May. She would guide him back into being happy again. She would push him to focus on his school again, he would rejoin all the clubs nd start spending more time with his best friend Ned and his pal MJ. He would get that second chance at a normal life and eventually would get his second chance at Spider Man if he wanted it. Tony would always make sure that door was open if the opportunity came under the right terms. But for Y/N, oh poor little Y/N, she didn't have any of that. She would go back to being the school outsider, because surely Ned would side with Peter and avoid her at all costs. She would sink back inside of her shell, all her walls certainly already being built back up at this very second. She would stay locked in her room only to come out for training and for missions but would not utter a single word to anyone around her unless it was life or death. Her only patently figure was Tony, and he knew he had just royally f*cked that up. Like he had told himself, her words were true, he too wished he could be better for her. He had everything else in life figured out. HIs finances, his love life, being a super hero. But the only thing he couldn't get was being a role model for someone that close.

With another heavy sigh and rub of his temples he exited his car, shutting the door much more politely than the girl before and handed his keys over to Happy who had been standing there the whole time staring at the scene that had unfolded in front of him.“Get that window fixed or me would you Hap. Oh and reupholster the back seat there are quite a few burn marks.” Happy nodded as Tony stalked past him entering the tower and retreating up to his room.

Y/N adjusted the hood over top of her head, pulling her hands up inside the sleeve as she stared at the building she once looked forward to going into. She knew Peter would be inside, she knew she would have to sit behind him in her classes and she knew she would have to suffer in silence while he ignored her for quite possibly the rest of her life. She had retreated back inside her shell, knowing full well she no longer had friends inside that building and that she once again was the weird loner that even the clique of weirdos made fun of. She hadn't been back in a week, Tony sending her on missions to keep her away from Peter. At least thats what she assumed was the reason. As much as she hated it, it seemed to help keep her mind occupied.

Peter had of course noticed her absence since day one. He waited near her locker everyday eagerly, wanting to apologize about how he had snapped at her. Sure he was upset that she had called Tony, but now he knew why and he needed to tell her that he wasn't upset, he just missed talking to her. She had become such a big chunk of his life. He had re joined marching band and the decathlon team to try and get his life back to normal, well as normal as being the face behind Spider Man could be. Aunt May had made point for him to branch out and get his head back into school. It had worked for the most part but there was a big block getting in the way of him feeling okay, and that was Y/N being gone.

With a heavy sigh she walked up the front stairs, pulling open the heavy door with ease. students crowded the hall, none sparing her a second glance. The music in her headphones blocked out the noise of the hallways as she made her way towards her locker. She had almost reached it when she noticed a small group of people surrounding it. With a groan She looked at the ground as she approached them, pulling out one headphone as she stopped in front of them.

“You’re in front of my locker.” She grumbled, not looking up in hopes that he group would be weirded out by her and just leave. The small group of people turned towards her, not retreating as they all stared at her. She only knew they now faced her and were staring based on the direction that their feet were now pointing. She was quickly becoming angered like a match being ignited, snapping an aggressive glare towards the three. Her heart dropped into her stomach as her eyes landed on the faces of MJ, Ned and Peter... oh Peter.She opened her mouth to speak but was at a loss for words, not having expected to seen any of them today let alone Peter.

“Hey Y/N!” Ned spoke cheerfully, offering her a wave. She gave Ned a confused smile, raising her hand to wave in return. Her eyes returned to look into Peters that had yet to lead her face.

“Y/N, I-uh we were worried about you.. I mean after what has happened over these past few weeks we were worried when you- uh you didn't come back.” Peter stuttered over his words as Y/N stared at him disbelief settled her her features.

“Ton- uh my dad, he had to go on a- uh business trip and made me go with him to get away from things, take a break and keep my mind occupied I guess.” Y/N’s gaze landed on MJ, she didn't know about everything and she wasn't about to out both herself and Peter with on slip up. Peter knew what she meant and his heart stung slightly as the memories of Tony came back. He knew Y/N was an avenger so obviously it would always be a huge part of her life but it still hurt.

“Well, if you are free tonight we are having a movie night at my apartment. May will be out and she left us some money for pizza. Figured it might be nice to have a normal night for once.” Peter smiled lightly, Y/N’s face growing warm.

“Normal sounds perfect.” Y/N smiled. MJ glanced between the two teens who continued to stare and smile at each other.

“You guys are weird.” She mumbled before strolling away, leaving Ned, Peter and Y/N alone.

“I didn't think you would want anything to do with me, you know after everything that happened.” Y/N walked next to Peter as the three made their way towards their first class. Peter looked over to her, nodding in understanding.

“After what happened, Aunt May said I should look at it as a fresh start. A way to get a chance at a somewhat normal life. Everyone deserves a fresh start you know? You of all people deserve a chance at a normal life.” He bumped her lightly with his shoulder as the walked, a childish smile on his lips. Her heart fluttered as she smiled and looked down at the ground.“Well this is my stop. But I’m serious about what I said. Tonight at my apartment, a chance for normal.” Y/N nodded at Peter as he grinned and turned the corner ducking into his classroom. Y/N could hardly breathe, she had prepared herself for the complete opposite of today to happen. But she couldn't be happier, she was going to have a chance for normal. A chance with Peter.

Tag list: Message me or let me know if you would like to be tagged in this story or in any of my writing!

@hista-girl @onceuponateenpanwolfian @tmrhollandkay@reidsnowstilinskiandrews

#peter parker#PeterParker Imagine#tom holland imagine#spiderman imagine#spiderman homecoming imagine


Nov 13, 2017

Request: Fight the Urge - A Dan Avidan Imagine

request: okay but what would it be like to be in a relationship with dan avidan, right--who's probably gentle af with the people he loves--but having to fight a flinch reflex you developed because your last boyfriend wasn't very kind?

Warnings: talking about abuse! If this is something you are sensitive to I have a few other Danny imagines that you would probably prefer to read. Love you guys!

It’s a little short! I hope its kind of what you wanted!

Dan Avidan. He was perfect, to say otherwise was a flat out lie. Every bit of him was kind, caring, sweet, and just about every other positive word in the English language that you could think of. Sure at times he had a tough exterior but if you were within the lucky people who got to be loved by him you knew what it felt to be truly loved. He was exactly what Y/N felt she never deserved but couldn’t be more thankful to be able to call him hers. She hadn’t been as Lucky in her past relationships. People her age were not kind. They were only driven by their sex drive and didn’t have any sort of grasp for actual human emotions. Her last boyfriend seemed to be the worst of them all, leaving her scarred. It made nights, much like this one difficult.

Date Night.

Y/N always could feel her anxiety build up more on nights like this. She loved Dan with all her heart but date night always left her afraid. It was on date nights where her last boyfriend would cause the most harm, alway resulting in him grabbing her aggressively and throwing her around leaving her bruised and battered. Something was always broken at the end of the night, and aside from the picture frames it always seemed to be Y/N.

A knock on the door made Y/N jump, her mind being forced into reality. The voices from outside grew louder as she heard her apartment door open and everyone come inside. It was group date night tonight which included Arin and Suzy and of course Dan and Y/N. She smiled when she heard Dan’s laugh carry from the living room though the halls. Adjusting her shirt for the last time she turned and left her bedroom heading to meet the others. She entered the room smiling and waving at Arin and Suzy who were stood by the front door. Danny snuck up from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist and spinning her around.Y/N screamed, louder than she has in a while and quickly pushed herself away from Danny. Her heart was racing and her breathing was shaky as she stepped away from him and wrapped her arms around her waist. Everyone stared at her for a moment looks of concern hung on their faces.

“S-Sorry guys I just really wasn’t expecting that.” Y/N smiled, facing a small laugh. She stepped closer to Dan, her eyes locking with his own concerned ones. Danny had only heard brief bits of her history, no complete stories but enough for him to piece together what had probably happened before and he understood why she was guarded in the way she was. He wrapped his arm lightly around her waist and with all her might she tried to fight the urge to flinch at his touch but she still jumped lightly, he still smiled softly down at her rubbing small circles along her skin.“You guys ready to go?” She asked and everyone nodded, the uncomfortable air lifting quickly as they all left the apartment.

The group walked down the buzzing streets of downtown LA, Y/N stuck close to Danny as many people bumped into her and yelled around. It wasn’t often that this group went out, Dan and Erin always occupied indoors with Grums and Suzy and Y/N occupied with their own channels. But on the rare occasion that the group got out it was always crazy to see everyone around in LA. He held on tightly to her hand but quickly readjusted to wrap his arm around her and hold her closer within his bubble to protect her as he felt her body tensing with everything going on around her. She instantly relaxed into him, he was much taller than her and was able to fully protect her. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head, causing her to flinch yet again. Every time Y/N flinched at Dan’s touch his heart ached more and more, Y/N would never know this of course but she could assume it wasn’t the most ideal situation for your girlfriend of nearly a year to flinch every time you touched her.

The group made it inside of the bowling alley, the atmosphere far more upbeat than the previous. Y/N let out a breath of relief as she slipped off her jacket and attempted to switch her mind from panic ridden to fun. Suzy types in everyone’s names and the game was off, Dan and Adin took charge of going and getting drinks and food for everyone while Y/N waited patiently on the bench, staring at a spot on the ground absent minded. Suzy glances over to the girl who’s face seemed to slowly rest into one of worry. She sat beside her unnoticed until her hand was placed on Y/N’s knee making her flinch.

“Y/N, sweetie, hun, best friend, love of my life, the sun to my shine, the bees to my knees. ” Y/N rolled her eyes with a smile. Suzy only ever said these things when she was trying to get information out of her.

“What ever do you want?” Y/n asked, laughing lightly as Suzy smiled.

“Well I’m worried.”

“About...” Y/N asked, raising her eyebrows.

“You.” Suzy grew serious in the instant. Her eyes darting over to the bar where the boys were stood still waiting, hopefully she had enough time. Y/N’s heart dropped and she cleared her throat, directing her gaze back to the spot on the floor. “Ive known you for a little over a year now. You jump every time someone touches you... Like a knee jerk reaction anytime someone shows touches you in a friendly or loving way.” Y/N’s gaze stayed put, her breathing becoming labored.“I just... I don't want you to be living in fear. You deserve more than that.”

“Thank you Suzy. It’s just kinda hard for me to talk about... My last boyfriend, the one right before Dan. He was insanely abusive. All he really had me around for was to be his punching bag. He would come home wasted, or just become angry at the flip of a switch and would grab me and throw me into walls or pull my hair and stuff. The last night I saw him I ended up in the hospital It’s just become instinct to think any time someone touches they are just going to hurt me. I know Danny probably noticed it. I mean how you could not when your girlfriend acts replaced by your touch for so long. But I just never had the courage to talk about it, I was still so sensitive to it. I try so hard to fight the urge to jump but I suck at it. I love Dan, more than I have ever loved anyone. He is so kind and patient and I’m just so scared that I’m going to lose him because of it.” There was silence for a moment after she finished speaking, only the small group of kids bowling a few lanes down could be heard. Y/N finally lifted her gaze to look at Suzy after the silence made her nervous. Suzy was staring behind Y/N with a firm sad smile. She followed her line of sight landing on Danny’s face. Her stomach dropped, how long had he been standing there?

“I love you so much Y/N. I would never, never hurt you. You deserve the absolute world and I vow to protect you from anything out there that wants to harm you. I hate to break it to you but you are kinda stuck with me.” Dan smiled, sitting besides Y/N making eye contact with her as hegently took her hands in his own, Y/N using all her effort to not flinch. She smiled before leaning in to kiss him, resting her head on his chest

#dan avidan imagine#dan avidan x reader#danny sexbang imagine#dan avidan request#danny sexbang blurb



Nov 9, 2017


I think all content creators can relate to this.

In my opinion, I don’t think followers really understand how much your requests/likes/reblogs/etc. and random asks mean to me. It’s just so refreshing and nice to know that people enjoy what I’m doing and support me.

People that go the extra mile and send an ask or message letting me know they liked my stuff honestly makes my day. I love reading tags and stuff…it’s honestly so cute….

And people who ask about how I’m doing or send me random questions or cute asks….I just want you guys to know it honestly makes my day. I just love all the interaction and such. It makes running a blog so much more enjoyable.

And Fanart/Fanwork? Honestly that’s one of the greatest things to receive. To everyone that draws or writes, please don’t feel too insecure to send it end! No one is going to criticize you over quality. It’s so sweet that you even thought about making something…I will always appreciate it no matter what, and I’m sure all other content creators feel the same.

So, in conclusion, don’t be afraid to talk to your favorite blogs and show them some love, guys! We always appreciate it! ☺️


Nov 8, 2017

Hey cN I be tagged in Spider and a Spark plzz?

of course! You will be added to the list (:


Nov 8, 2017

Spider and a Spark - part 4

Part one Part two Part threePart five

Y/N waited anxiously in her room at the tower. She knew how scary it was to do your first interrogation and knew how nervous Peter was for it. Her hands anxiously shook at her sides as if she was shaking a ghost liquid off of them, her eyes constantly looking out the window and back to her phone.

“Y/N why are you nervous?” Finn’s voice made her jump, she had nearly forgotten that she was wearing the suit and that it was capable of feeling what she was.

“I- uh- just waiting for an important message.” She finally responded.

“For a mission? I was unaware of the Avenger having a mission in the books today, would you like me to contact Mr.Stark and ask for more information?” Y/N’s eyes widened. Tony couldn't know about this or he would quickly put an end to it and an end to anything Spiderman.

“NO NO NO!” She quickly yelled.“If you wouldn't mind locating Pete- I mean Spiderman that would be the most helpful.”

“Understood miss Inferno.” A small map appeared in Y/N’s sight, showing Peter in a parking garage near the peer. It wasn't to far from where she was so she figured she would just go meet him there. She was about to leave when her phone dinged from where it was plugged in on her desk.“New message from‘Insect kid’ would you like me to read it?” Y/N nodded as the message appeared in her vision.

‘Staton Island Ferry, 11. Be on it as a normal civilian, you can be my eyes on the inside and help me find out who this guy is.’ Peter had plan and Y/N couldn't wait to help him with his big break. She quickly pulled a pair of jeans over her suit and a comfy shirt on top. She shoved her mask in her bag and made her way quickly to the ferry using one of Tony’s private cars. It only took a few minutes before she was sat nonchalantly inside the ferry as it pushed off from the port, glancing around at the different faces for anyone who seemed suspicious. She pulled her phone up to her ear, a call from Peters suit connecting the two.

“Alrighty Y/N, look to your left, by the window third row.” Y/N followed her instructions hers eyes landing on an older gentleman who seemed to be talking with someone sat behind him. He locked eyes with her for a moment and she smiled politely before looking away and out the window again. The guy he was talking to stood up and walked away and Peters voice started in Y/N’s ear again.“Thats the guy from the bridge the other night, but I don't know who he is talking to. Keep an eye on that guy, I’m going down to where the meeting is.”

“Please be safe Pete.” Her voice was caring and Peter couldn't help but smile slightly as he swung himself down and around to the back of the ship. There was a collection of guys standing around the one he recognized from earlier joining them telling them about a white pick up truck.

“Y/N this is perfect. We have the weapons, buyers and sellers all in one place.” Y/N smiled, proud that this was going to be Peter big moment.“Incoming call from Tony Stark, goodbye Inferno.” Karen cut off the phone call and Y/N’s eyes grew wide.

“uh-uh yeah Pete. I’ll call you as soon as we dock. Love you, buh bye.” She puled the phone away pretending to hangup as the older man from earlier looked over to her once again. Nonchalantly she lowered the phone and slid it into her bag underneath her mask. Suddenly the guy stood up quickly, a clearly agitated look on his face as he stormed away. A bad feeling sunk in the pit of Y/N’s stomach as she too quickly stood up, running into a nearby bathroom. she locked the door and quickly hid her bag in one of the stalls before slipping her mask over her head and stripping the clothing covering up her suit. She slid out of the door, running past the people as fast as she could to not be noticed. Leaping over the railing of the stairwell she landed on the bottom level with huff, Peter nearly throwing a group of people at her.

“I gotta say the other guy was way better at that thing.” Peter said pointing over to the alien gun. they heard a pounding further down the car park and locked eyes with the older guy who had been upstairs before. They were about to take off running before they were suddenly ambushed by the FBI. both lifted their hands looking franticly around.“What are they doing here?!” Peter yelled over to Y/N. She was about to answer before a loud roaring sound cut her off, her eyes growing wide as she saw further down the giant vulture wings moving towards them at a quick rate.

“Move!” Peter and Y/N both yelled as they tried to move as many FBI members out of the way of the car that was no being hurled their way. The bird flew past, heating up a gun as he called out for his minions to go upstairs. Peter tried to shoot a web to stop one from leaving but it was quickly shot away by Vulture.“Y/N try and stop them!” Peter yelled and Y/N nodded, avoiding another blast before sneaking through a door way and trying to follow the other bad guy. She was running quickly after him before another blast shot through the level she was on, the power of it shoving her sideways. She quickly got back up and frantically searched around for the guy who now seemed to be lost in the crowd of worried passengers.

“I lost him Spiderman!” She yelled, Peter not paying much attention to her words as he continued to try and battle Vulture. There were more shots now that Y/N could hear, she looked around trying to see if another had been hit but nearly screamed when many giant beams cut through the ship. Y/N saw out the window the Vulture fly away and she huffed, running quickly to push people out of the way as the ship creaked and began to break apart. She was panicking now. This had so suddenly becoming something so much bigger than a simple arms deal bust. Now hundreds of civilians were in danger and she could do much about it.

“FINN CALL TONY!” She shouted. Suddenly Tony appeared on the screen, he was in the avenger tower cleaning his suit.

“To what do I owe the pleasure mis-” Tony began, not looking up at the screen that held what Y/N was seeing in front of her.

“STATON ISLAND FERRY. GET HER NOW!” She cut him off, yelling loudly. He jerked his attention from his suit and saw the horror of what was unfolding I front of her. SpiderMan swung around shooting webs to try and connect the ship back together. Tony was already in his suit, the phone call hanging up as he flew quickly to where they were. Y/N watched as Peter swung around connecting as much of the ship as possible together by his webs. for a moment the boat stopped creaking, and Y/N felt as though she could breathe again. That was until someone cheered and a loud snap sounded. Y/N watched as one web breaking lead to another, causing a chain reaction.Water began rushing onto the ship, people nearly falling into the cracks. Y/N pulled as many of them back, trying her best to keep them as safe as she could for the moment being. She looked over to Peter who was now being stretched between the two halls of the ship, his own screams being masked by others.

“Come on Iron man...” Y/N whispered as she stepped away from a family she had just helped, watching on her map as his dot grew closer. The ship started to push together, Peter thinking he was actually doing it. She ran over to where he was, as his eyes met with Iron Mans outside of the window.

“Hi SpiderMan. Band practice was it?” Peter’s arms slowly dropped in defeat as he looked around, his eyes meeting with Y/N’s before he took off. He swung and followed Iron Man, trying to catch up with him and see what he could do. Y/N consoled a few of the families, making sure they were all okay as Tony welded the ship back together. She bit her cheek as she made her way up the stairs to the top of the ship where Peter sat defeated as Iron Man flew off.

Y/N found herself sitting next to Peter in silence onto of an isolated roof looking over the bay. She couldn't find the words to say to him as he looked off in the distance sulking. She knew he would be pissed if he found out she was the one to call Tony, but she didn't know what else to do. There would have been so many casualties if it had continued. Tony’s dot appeared in her view again coming towards where they were sat. She quickly pulled off her own mask, running her fingers through her hair and letting out a stressed sigh, she swung her legs back over and walked away slightly needing to get a moment of space. Peter watched her before his attention was pulled by the sound of Iron Man’s suit flying to where they were sat.

“Previously on Peter screws the pooch, I told you to stay away from this. Instead you hacked a multimillion dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back, doing the one thing I told you not to do.” Y/ could see Peter tensing up at Tony’s words.

“Is everyone okay?” He sounded so broken. Y/N had a sad smile as her heart ached for him. He only cared about protecting everyone else.

“No thanks to you.”

“No thanks to me?” Peter was mad. He stood from the roof and began storming towards where Iron Mans suit was still hovering. Y/N knew this wasn't going to end well. Talking back to Tony never ended well.“Those weapons are out there and I tried to tell you about it but you didn't listen! None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me!” His voice cracked and he began to chuckle looking back at the suit in disbelief.“If you even cared you would have actually been here.” The suit front opened and Tony stepped out with his jaw clenched as Peter stepped back in shock.

“I did listen kid. Who do you think called the FBI? Huh? Did you know I was the only one who believed in you? Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a 14 year old kid. Hell even Y/N said I was crazy and she was recruited when she was 12!” Tony gestured over to Y/N but Peter never looked away from him.

“I’M 15..” Peter whispered. Wrong choice.

“NO THIS IS WHERE YOU ZIP IT! Alright the adult is talking!” Tony was beyond livid.“What if somebody had died tonight? Different story right because that’s on you. And if you died.. well that would have been on me. Or even Y/N. God forbid you make her go through that.” Peter finally stole a glance over to where Y/N stood, staring like a scolded child at the scene in front of her. The worst thought ran through his mind in that moment, if he had died she would have been devastated. She risked so much for him constantly and it would have eaten her alive if she hadn't been able to protect him. God, if he had been the reason for her to die, he wouldn't have been able to live with him self.“We don't need that on our conscience. which is why Y/N called me.”

“Yes sir, I’m sorry-”

“yeah sorry doesn't cut it.”

“I just wanted to be like you.”

“And I wanted you to be better.” Y/N felt a tear slip down her cheek, those 7 words had haunted her for years. Tony having had nearly the exact same conversation with her years ago. Peter stared at the ground between the two, unable to look at either of them as the words hit him just as hard.“Okay, well its not working out so I’m going to need the suit back.” Tony looked over to Y/N as she too jerked her attention up to him in anger. Peter begged, his heart shattering as he admitted that he was nothing without the suit.“Lets go kids. Now.” Tony turned, leading the way off of the roof.

“Pete..” Y/N stepped forward reaching out for him. He jerked away from her, biting his cheek to stop from crying as he locked eyes with her own teary ones.

“I can’t believe you.” that was all he said before he stormed ahead, following Tony. Y/N was left on the roof, the only sound to be heard was that of her heart breaking. She could never forget the hurt in his eyes.

“Y/N LETS GO.” Tony yelled, she took a deep breath before running to where he was calling from having no choice but to listen to him.

Aye everybody! Hoped you like this addition! I got my first ever request to have someone be tagged in this story sooooo if you would like to be tagged in the newest updates of this story or of any of my writing please message/ask me to!

Tagged List:


#peter parker#PeterParker Imagine#spiderman homecoming imagine#spiderman imagine#tom holland imagine#tony stark imagine


Nov 5, 2017

A Spider and A Spark - Part 3


Hey guys! I know this series isn’t really doing the best, or getting a really big reaction or anything but I really enjoy writing it and thought of the concept I guess more for my own personal enjoyment! So even though no one is really asking for it or anything I just still want to write more for it and keep the story going. Thanks for putting up with me posting this story and for those of you who do enjoy it Thank you!

This bit is a little angsty I guess. But it will get more action-y soon! Also your feedback is always greatly appreciated!

Part one Part two Part fourPart five

“What do you mean you aren’t going to DC to help with this?” Peter stared at Y/N waiting for an answer. She stood in front of his window in his room her lips pressed in a sad line as she could see Peters heart breaking ever so slightly.“You know how big this could be? We have been tracking them and will be able to find their main base!” Y/N felt tears forming in her eyes, it wasn’t easy to tell this kid no.

“I’m so sorry Peter…” She started, her heart beating quickly as she cursed her title as an official Avenger.“I have a really big mission this weekend that I can’t miss. Trust me there is nothing I would rather be doing than spending time with you this weekend and helping you with this… its just I have to focus on the actually important stuff now. Its my job.” Y/N regretted the words as soon as she said them, her face scrunching together as she mentally face palmed herself. Peter stepped back from her, his face falling.“Peter I-”

“I think you should leave.” Peter spoke suddenly, not allowing Y/N to finish. Her mouth hung open for a moment her words being ripped from her throat as she stared at his broken soul.“I wouldn’t want to waste your time with something so trivial.” He turned away from her, swallowing back the lump forming in his throat. Y/N stared at his back as he leaned against the desk where the alien weapon sat. She wanted to say something, anything but her mouth forgot how to speak. She sat herself on the window ledge ready to make her escape when Peter turned back towards her, his eyes red and glistening in the dimly lit room.“This is important to me… I thought you of all people would see that but I guess you are just like the others.” Y/N looked down, ashamed before making her final decent out of his room, the sound of his window slamming shut behind her breaking her heart even more.

“Get your head out of your ass Y/N” Tony yelled in Y/N’s ear piece as she stumbled over yet again setting a random thing on fire giving away her position. She fought off those who came after her, doing a crummy job, getting multiple deep cuts from their knives and taking a lot of hits. Tony finally came over to where she was helping fight off the final small group. Y/N stood up fully and stared at the battle ground that was burnt and smokey form all of her mess ups causing it all to burn. She felt tears burning her eyes once again as her mind and heart raced. This was her fault, she was thinking about a stupid boy and couldn’t focus on something that could have put the rest of the world in serious danger.“WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL WAS THAT?!” Tony yelled as he stormed over to Y/N, shoving her. She stumbled on her feet again. Typically she would push Tony back and send him flying on his ass but not this time, she couldn’t get herself to react. Tony took a step back taking note of this as a sigh escaped his lips. He grabbed on to Y/N’s waist and held her closely before taking off into the air, taking the two back to the Avenger tower. It was a good distance away from where they were, the two staying silent the whole time.

They landed on the landing pad, tony releasing Y/N from his hold. She began to stalk off towards the tower before Tony said her name. She stopped walking, not turning to look at him.“Whatever is going on, figure it out. We can’t afford to have something like today happen again and I know that you know that. Just.. don’t get caught up in your head.” Y/N knew Tony meant best by his words. He was the closest thing to a family that Y/N had.

“Thank you.” She responded quietly before disappearing into the tower moving around different boxes all stacked in the hallway and into the living room where the rest of the Avengers were sat around watching the news.

“Local hero Spider-Man, well known from youtube saved a group of Midtown High students who were visiting DC touring the Washington Monument when there was an explosion inside causing the elevator to fail. If it weren’t for this masked hero this would have been a much different report. Thank you Spiderman!” The news anchor reported, Y/N and Tony both stopping in their tracks to stare at the screen.

The next morning everyone at the school was talking about the amazing Spiderman, all the girls in complete awe over him and all the boys wishing they were him. Peter loved hearing all of their whispers, a grin constantly plastered on his face as he walked around the halls with his chest held higher. That was until he spotted Y/N at her locker, her face and demeanor the exact opposite of his own. The longer he stared the more he noticed all of her bruises, burns and scars. Y/N never took hits during battle, it was what she was famous for. She could feel eyes staring at her and glanced in the direction of Peter, her heart sinking at the sight of him. She looked away quickly as she noticed Ned nearing him.

"How's it feel to have everyone in love with you but have your identity still a secret?" Ned asked pulling Peter from his stare. He glanced back to where she had been only to find an empty space. He shook his head lightly, his wide grin returning.

“Its awesome!” They entered their chemistry class and Peter immediately noticed Y/N sitting in her seat behind his, her focus on the board in the front of the room. His eyes were drawn to her black eye, that no amount of makeup could cover.“Hey Ned... I’m gonna sit next to Y/N today.” Ned glanced at the girl noticing her bruises and nodded in understanding. Peter placed his bag on the table causing Y/N to jump out of her daze. Peter kept his stare on her while she glanced everywhere but where he was.

“You wanna tell me what happened?” He asked in a hushed whisper while the lecture began.

“You did amazing in DC... I told you you didn't need Me.” She ignored his question, trying to change the subject quickly. Peters hand rested onto of hers, his thumb gently rubbing her soft skin.

“Y/N, you know damn well thats not what I meant.” His voice was pleading as his stare landed on her black eye.“You never get hurt...” His hand lifted and his fingers lightly grazed the bruised skin, Y/N flinched away.“I’ve never had to worry about you getting hurt and then you show up like this... Y/N what if I had lost you and the last thing that I had said to you was like the worst thing I could say?” Y/N finally met his gaze, her own heart breaking at the sight of his eyes shining with tears. Her mind flashed back to their fight, she had been stupid that night and said everything that she never meant.

“Peter...” She searched her mind for the right words to say what she wanted to say but came up short. Her breathing caught in her throat and she found herself letting out a silent sob, burying her head in her arms on her desk. the class had already begun but Y/N reached down grabbing her bag and standing up, quickly walking out of the classroom, everyone staring at her as she did so. Ned turned back to look at Peter who was already standing and following after her.

Y/N was already walking down the street, walking quickly as she tucked her hair behind her ear and wiped away her tears a slight sizzling sound coming when the water made contact with her fingers. She had never been so emotional before, well not since the day she was found by Tony. When she is too emotional she loses all control that she has over herself. Which lately has been next to nothing. She couldn’t let herself get back to that point, especially now that she was so much stronger than she had been then.“Get out of your head Y/N.” She whispered to herself in frustration. The words of Tony echoing in her mind.

Peter spotted Y/N moving quickly down the street under the shadows of the trees. He picked up his pace closing the distance between the two and slinging a web to Y/N’s hand to try and stop her. Of course her hands were already practically on fire and burned the webbing away almost instantly. She turned around to see him, her jaw and fists clenching tightly, worried of what could happen next. She stayed put while Peter continued to walk quickly, making the distance between the two non existent. As soon as he reached her he instantly wrapped his arms around her embracing her in a tight hug. It took a moment before she finally relaxed in his embrace and slid her hands up and around his neck, resting her head against his shoulder

“Y/N... I-I can't lose you.” He stumbled over his words, not exactly finding the right things he wanted to say. She took in a shaky breath, hugging him tighter to her before letting him go.“Please tell me what happened.”

“I lost focus. I nearly threw away the whole mission because I couldn't get out of my head for 30 god damn minutes. I-I I couldn't stop thinking about what I had said, I abandoned you. What if you had gotten hurt? It would have been all my fault because I wasn't there like I had promised. God I’m such a f*cking idiot.” Y/N pulled at her hair underneath her hood. Peter stared at her as she paced back and forth. With a small sigh he stepped towards her and grabbed her hands to take them away from hurting herself. He held them in his own as though they were the most fragile things to exist. He smiled down at them, they seemed so normal on the outside yet there was so much power beneath the surface.

“Y/N you are not an idiot. You just made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes. Its the only thing that keeps people like us feeling more human.” Peter smiled as he delicately played with her hands, slipping his own fingers between hers. She smiled lightly as she stared at their intertwined hands, her heart beat fluttering. A slight burn creeped up the back of her neck to her cheeks. This was a burn Y/N wasn't used to. she quickly cleared her throat and shook her thoughts from her head before smiling up at Peter.

“Alright Spidey. Whats next?” Peter perked up, a grin growing on his lips.

“Well, I figure the bird dude is involved with these weapons going around so if we catch him we end all of it!” Y/N nodded, trying to think of a plan.

“That night of the party, when you were chasing those guys from under the bridge... I bet if you can find of them you can interrogate them and get where the next deal will be out of them!” Y/N was excited now, if they could really catch this dude then Peter would have a whole new world of respect. He might even make the Avengers! She couldn't let him down with this, she would help him catch this guy even if it killed her.

“I dont really remember much from that night besides like half of the license plate. That would have worked perfect but I'm afraid its a dead end street.” Peter sighed, his hand running through his hair as he sat down on the nearby bench. Y/N turned to look at him, frowning lightly.

“Weeeeell, since I know for a fact you hacked your suit to get rid of the training wheels protocol, just have your S.I. go to the video logs from that day.”

“S.I?” Peter raised his brows, looking at Y/N with the upmost confusion.

“Suit Intelligence. I named mine Finn, felt bad calling him suit dude.” Y/N sat down next to Peter, looking over to him.

“Oh you mean Karen? She has video logs?” He asked, clearly he didn't know half of what he thought he did about his suit.

“Every time the mask is on, the video is on. Tony calls it the Baby Monitor protocol. Turns out to be super helpful in times like these.” Peter rolled his eyes at the name, of course it would be something in regards to babies. Y/N chuckled lightly watching Peters reaction.“Okay... So how about you go home and figure out who some of the people were. Tell me as soon as you figure out where and when the deal is happening and we can go from there.” Peter nodded eagerly, standing from his spot. He was about to run off, his mind on a high from the thought of finally catching this guy, but he quickly stopped in his tracks and turned back to face Y/N.

“I don't know how to interrogate someone. Im not really scary, ya know? Friendly neighborhood Spider Man and all?” Peter was nervous. Everything was potentially riding on finding out where the deal would be. Peter was never confrontational, he never stood up to flash or anything.

“Peter, don't think like that” Y/N walked over to him and grabbed his hands in hers, giving them a slight squeeze as she looked up into his worried eyes.“I mean you’re the Spider Man.” She pushed herself up onto her tippy toes and placed a kiss on his cheek with a smile.“You got this.” Peter stood frozen in his spot as he watched her back away with a smile and walk off. He couldn't move, he never expected Y/N to come into his life but god was he so happy that she did. He couldn't mess this up, he had to do it right for her.

#peter parker#PeterParker Imagine#tom holland imagine#spiderman imagine#spiderman homecoming imagine


Oct 4, 2017

Surprise Yourself - a Jughead imagine

In honor of Riverdale coming back soon I was feeling somewhat inspired. I wanted to try to do more of an Artist!reader. I’m trying to branch out my writing a little more and its a bit of a struggle so I want to thank all of you for putting up with me and my lack of posting while I try to rediscover my style.

Jughead sat in his usual booth, an untouched milkshake besides his laptop as he typed away the words weighing down his mind finally getting the chance of freedom. He paid no mind to the rest of the world and the rest of the world did the same to him. Well everyone in the world except for Y/N, who sat in the booth next to his, her stare never moving from his face. She watched as his eyes scanned over the words on the screen, his fingers flawlessly gliding across the keyboard typing what seemed like a hundred words a minute. The two had gone to school together forever, they could even be considered friends if someone was desperate enough to put a label on the two. Though they rarely talked, unless it was necessary. Y/N could never summon enough courage to talk to him. It was so much easier to admire in silence, un noticed.

She re-adjusted the pencil in her hand at least a hundred times, never able to find the right grip for the shading she needed on her paper. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips as she glanced down at her art, a next to perfect drawing of jughead was pressed into the paper of her worn out drawing notebook. It had start out as just a simple doodle of the logo on his laptop that she had noticed but each day of the two being at Pop’s it became more. His friends would come and go but none of them were quite able to entrap her like Jughead. And slowly but surely she found herself making a full blown portrait of the raven haired boy.

Jughead had always peaked Y/N’s interest. He was a mystery, just like the case he invested his time in. He was her Jason Blossom story. Something she was desperate to get to the bottom of, to find out every dark and twisted secret hidden beneath the boys worn out grey beanie. Her lightly chapped lips wrapped around her straw as she sucked up the final bits of her sprite, the loud bubbling making her jump even though she had expected the sound. Her eyes narrowed on Jughead as he shifted under her gaze, little did she know that he had spotted her staring nearly 20 minutes ago. Her stare soothed him in a way he hadn't expected. It was calming to know someone was watching over him in this town. Even more so that it was Y/N. With a smirk and a sigh he lifted his eyes from his screen and locked his own with Y/N’s stare. She had been absentmindedly chewing on her straw and once their gazes met bit her lip out of surprise. She looked away quickly, bringing her hand up to her already throbbing lip trying to nurse the dull ache.

“You know, some people find staring to be rude.”Jughead let out a small chuckle before closing his laptop and collecting his things, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and sliding from his seat. “I’m not one of those people.” Y/N shut her notebook quickly, her hand inside on the page to not lose her spot. Jughead nodded towards the seat in front of her, awaiting her permission to sit. With a shaky breath Y/N pressed her lips into a nervous firm smile and nodded. Jughead smirked as he tossed his bag into the seat Y/N could feel her heart racing and her hands shaking. There was no reason for her to get this nervous yet here she was struggling to breathe. Jughead picked up on this and let out a small chuckle, his hand reaching across the table to rest on top of hers. The touch, opposite of what Y/N expected was soothing and actually made her feel better.

Jughead glanced down at their hands, a smile resting on his features. His gaze slowly drifted over to where her other hand was hidden between pages of a worn down notebook. Y/N followed his eyes but wasn't quick enough to stop him from pulling it out from her grasp and holding it tightly against himself, just out of her reach.

“Jughead don't.” She warned, her voice cracking slightly under the sudden volume she used. Jug lifted his eyebrow as he looked at Y/N with amusem*nt.

“Oh come on Y/N, you know just as well as I do that secrets have a away of getting out. And this is one that has been of my peak interest. You might surprise yourself once its out.” He gave her a genuine smile, the chaos storming inside of her settling down once more. He took her softened gaze as permission to look and started to slowly flip through the pages. He was amazed to say the least, each page holding an absolute masterpiece. Some having themes as though she had challenged herself to get better at a certain thing, roses looming often in corners and eyes adorned with freckles. Everything was absolutely perfect. He grinned up at her, looking away as he turned another page. When his gaze returned to the book the wind was nearly knocked from his lungs. His own image on the once white paper.

Y/N quickly began gathering her things, shoving everything into her bag before sliding out of the booth trying to escape quickly. She ran out the door, forgetting about her art book completely. Jughead didn't notice her speedy runaway for a moment as he was so trapped in the beauty of the art. He finally looked up when he heard the ringing above the entrance and noticed Y/N was no longer in front of him and was instead darting down the stairs of the entrance. He quickly stood, holding the notebook tightly to his chest as he ran after her. She was already hastily making her way down the dark damp street, her heavy breathing dancing away in the cool air with every exhale.

“Y/N wait!”Jughead yelled as he jogged to catch up to her.he was only a few steps behind her when she came to a complete halt. He wasn't expecting her to actually stop and ended up bumping into her. His arms quickly wrapped around her to steady the both of them from tumbling to the ground. Y/N took in a shaky breath as the warmth of Jug surrounded her, she turned slowly around in his arms so that she was now facing him.

“You- uhhh-” Jughead was at a loss for words as he looked down into Y/N’s eyes. They sparkled with the distant street light and were a sudden escape for his mind.“You left this back there.” He lifted up the journal, which she took roughly from his hands and began to turn away quickly in embarrassment yet again. Jughead was quick, his hand grabbing her own to spinning her to face him yet again.“I was hoping I could maybe get the one of me. It’s beautiful you know.” Y/N stared at him with a face that was impossible to read. Jug could feel himself starting to drown with the heavy air surrounding the two.

“It’s not done yet...” Y/N finally spoke, pulling her arm from his hold and keeping her gaze fixed on the pages of her book as she flipped through them, landing on the page of Jugheads portrait. Jughead studied the way the street light gently lit up Y/N’s face, the way her eyelashes fluttered elegantly as she blinked and the small smile that pulled at the corner of her lips while her finger traced over her work. She almost forgot that Jughead was standing in front of her until his finger suddenly was underneath her chin, lifting her gaze from the paper to meet his own. He couldn't fight the urge any longer and gently brought his forehead to lean against hers, the sudden closeness causing both of their breath to catch in their throats as their eyes danced across the others face. He lightly leaned in and captured her lips with his, savoring the feeling before pulling away with a smirk on his face as she stayed frozen for a moment with her eyes still closed. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled as Jughead cleared his throat.

“Same time tomorrow. you know to finish that thing.” He smirked again as he stepped backwards and walked away, leaving Y/N smiling like an idiot.

#jughead jones#jughead imagine#Jughead jones imagine#riverdale imagine#open requests


Sep 4, 2017

Saved Dance - a Tom Holland blurb

This thought came to me today when I was at work. Its literally such a short thing but like I thought it would be cute and funny. Enjoy (:

Based off of this masterpiece

The warm mumble of everyones voices danced through the air, twirling elegantly with the love that shared the wind. Y/N smiled brightly as she pat Tessa on the head as she leaned against her wedding dress at her feet. The luck couple, Y/N and Tom had just finished their first dance, followed by Y/N and her dad’s dance. It was now Tom’s turn as he swayed on the dance floor with his mother, their own song coming to an end shortly. A hand touched the small of Y/N’s back pulling her loving gaze from the two and towards the owner of the touch. She was met with the beaming grin of Zendaya, her maid of honor and shared best friend, with Tom of course.

“You look absolutely stunning.” Zendaya hugged Y/N tightly and reached down to hold her hand tightly in her own.

“Thank you Z. this day could not be more perfect.” Y/N smiled, looking over all of the faces of their friends and family who were ow all clapping as the song finished and Tom gestured towards his mom who did a small bow before kissing Tom’s temple.

“Ready for our plan to begin?” Zendaya asked with a cheeky smirk, slipping a microphone into Y/N’s free hand. She had nearly forgotten about their plan getting caught up in everything with the wedding.

“Time to commence operation Rain Man.” Y/N smiled evil as she and Zendaya fist bumped slyly before walking towards her now husband. Tom grinned brightly as he wrapped his arms around Y/N’s waist and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply.

“I love you my wife.” He whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers, his eyes glowing brightly with happiness.

“Remember that, okay?” Y/N bit her lip with a smile as Tom knit his eyebrows together as she stepped away from him and lifted the microphone up to her lips.“Hi Everyone! I wanted to thank you all again for coming today and sharing this moment and giving us all of your love and support. It means the absolute world to both Tom and I. Now I know you guys are probably tired of watching people dance and not actually getting the chance to get down and boogie yourselves, and I promise that your opportunity is coming. but with the help of my best friend and maid of honor Z- we have one last dance that we have planned for you all. So if I could get my loving husband who I love with all my heart and who told me just moments ago that he loved me to get to the middle of the dance floor that would be great.” On queue Zendaya grabbed tightly onto the very confused Tom’s shoulders, pushing him from where he stood to the center of the floor where all eyes were on him. He looked towards Y/N for any explanation but she simply grinned and winked at him before lifting the microphone up once more.“Pardon my French, Dj, SPIN THAT sh*t!” Y/N shouted as she took a step back pointing at the DJ as he smiled and pressed play. The calm and jazzy beginning of Singing in the Rain began to Play and Tom instantly shook his head and burried it in his hands, everyone beginning to cheer and laugh loudly knowing what was coming.

Wendy was next to Y/N once again and handed her an umbrella. Y/N grinned at Tom whose face was a violent red as she tossed it out to him as the beat of the song changed and Umbrella began to play. As if he was pulled into a trance he began dancing and lip-syncing perfectly to the song like he had done before. Y/N and Z both laughing loudly as he strutted towards them and grinned against Y/N. before returning to the dance floor to finish the song. Everyone erupted into loud cheers once he finished, and Y/N quickly rushed to his side out of breath from laughing so hard.

“I hate you.” Tom said as he breathed deeply trying to Catch his breath. He turned his gaze towards his bride and smiled as she leaned in a kissed him.

“I love you too. I had to see it for myself.” She chuckled, before leaning in and kissing him once more.

AN: I know this was short and probably really stupid but hey sometimes ya just need to write short and stupid things.

#tom holland imagine#peter parker#PeterParker Imagine#spiderman homecoming imagine#spiderman imagine



Jul 30, 2017


If you’re ever like“but what do fic writers even WANT.”

a book report

They want a book report.

They want you to get 9th grade English up in their sh*t.

Remember having to write ad nauseam about the symbolism of that stupid conch in Lord of the Flies? They want you to do that about Steve Roger’s shield and Emma Swan’s jacket.


WHoa seriously?? People WANT this?Holy crap, I always thought I’d be really rude to leave an overly long comment on something, or it’d just be super creepy for me to babble a load of emotional attachment I had to their product, or all my wild fan theories which are probably wrong…I mean.. I know if I ever created something I’d wanna see comments like that, but I’m a weirdo and I haven’t even created anything anyway so what do I know?Umm.. yeah.. so… at my followers and friends and stuff: does anyone agree with this? Do I have permission to really ramble embarrassingly and honestly when I like your stuff, or would you prefer short and semi-rational comments?

I agree! I really like to read people thoughts on my stuff, no matter the writing style.


I always LOVE knowing that readers understand why I chose certain ways of getting things across! I also love seeing which bits OTHER PEOPLE liked best! Since I’m the author, I’m biased. I either think my work is brilliant or I have crushing doubts.

So - whichever you want, or feel comfortable with!


Long comments and rambles make my day so much you don’t even know



This is why I try to leave big, meaty comments myself when I read fic BECAUSE I HUNGER FOR THE SAME ON MINE

this is IMPORTANT.


PLEASE i never thought i’d want to see stuff analyzed like how we were supposed to in school but since i started writing, when i see that people realize and note little thing i add in my writing i’m like OMG LOVEEEEEE

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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.